Chapter 24

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Mariam's pov
Harry wrapped his arms around my waist from behind telling me romantic words to cheer me up and changes my mood if I didn't win this guy's heart soon would keep fighting to win it he changed my life after two weeks I ended up in the hospital for eighteen months because of whom niall he is makes the roles of the family last is himself I don't know why he treats me like that does he really wants to break up with harry I don't want to do it “what are you thinking about baby girl ?" he asked interrupting my thoughts I turned my head a little “nothing important" I answered smiling he kissed my cheek then walked us under the street lamp “babe why are we standing here ?" I asked he turned me smiling which caused confusion on my face “because I want to see you clearly" he answered still smiling happily I rolled my eyes then laughed “harry you're such a weirdo" I said he carried me on his shoulder I started hitting his back walked us somewhere which I don't know where then putted me down it is dark and I can't see anything neither harry “babe harry" I said trying to reach for him touched something strong going up and down it then it stopped my hands I panicked backed away fell what if a thief or someone wants to kidnap I screamed for help “hey hey it's me relax" he spoke which caused me to stop screaming “harry I'm scared" I said trying to search for light then a phone's light appeared on my face “oh I'm sorry" he said taking it away from my face lighting it on his face making his eyes looks more green I bited my lip shyly blushing “babe where are we ?" I asked looking around me could see the street lamp that we were standing under it I got pushed down feeling the grass on my back he hover over me “you have no idea how much I wanted to kiss you" he said sounded sexy licked his lips looking at mine “you making me feel like it is your first time for ya to kiss me" I said rolled my eyes he laughed his lips went to my neck then went up to my jawline his hand went under my shirt “harry I'm not going to do this" I said raised my head up backing away from him hitted the wall he got up ran his fingers through his hair walking back and forth making me feel that I did something wrong leaned down took his phone then walked out leaving me alone in the darkness “shit I'm sorry baby girl" he said walked towards me giving me his hand I looked at it shaking my head getting up by myself “you are just like niall" I said walked the opposite direction of the striper club heard his footsteps walking quickly behind me I stopped then turned crossed my arms he ran his fingers through his hair “I apologised what..." I cut him off by pressing my lips against his he pulled me closer to him our lips started moving in sync my fingers playing with his curls then someone ruined our kiss by bumped into me “oops sorry didn't notice you" the person spoke I turned it is a girl looks drunk holding a bottle of wine “it's okay sweetheart" harry said smiling I turned to him “what" he said I rolled my eyes shaking my head pulled him from his hand heard the girl yelling something but ignored it walking us the club pushed the door took us towards the girls bathroom pushed harry against the wall “you want to flirt go for it" I said with crossed arms he walked towards me careless my cheeks smirking “baby girl I wasn't flirting with her as you can see she looked drunk so no need to be jealous" he said as long as a girl entered the bathroom looking at us harry leaned in so I turned my head wrapped my arms around his neck letting him kiss me his hands went to my ass squeezed “harry" I moaned ignoring the fact that a girl entered the bathroom turned our kiss into a heated make out so that girl knows he is mine could heard her saying something under her breath but I ignore it just focus on harry his lips went to my neck I switched our positions I standed against the wall leaving him to kiss and suck my neck the feeling of his lips feels so soft against my skin then a girl got out of the bathroom disgust I smirked to myself “babe that's enough" I said he stopped raised his head looking at me “but I still didn't get enough of you" he said pouting I laughed then kissed him “take me home" I said he kept kissing my lips his tongue licked my bottom lip I pulled away “harry come on let's go home" I said he wrapped his arm around my waist taking us out of the bathroom “now where is niall ?" he asked I standed in front of him wrapped my arms around his neck “I have been with you the whole time so how I suppose to know" I said getting closer to his face he tried to steal a kiss but I pulled away still having my arms around his neck “niall might ended up having sex with this striper" he said I laughed so hard throwing my head back could feel his lips on my neck “harry" I said blushing hugged him rested my head on his shoulder “you still get embarrassed" he said I pulled away from the hug looking at him “no I'm not embarrassed stop it" I said hitting his shoulder he rubbed his shoulder pretending that he is hurt “seriously harry I didn't hit you that hard" I added he leaned in to kiss me I backed away but ended up kissing him “wait" he said then walked towards the DJ I got confused he is whispering something to him the DJ guy gave him the mic “hey everyone I hope you all having a great night so I am going to do something for you so let's go" harry said in the mic causing everyone to cheer I don't understand he is going to do he started singing looking at me the whole time some people are dancing to his most amazing voice I crossed my arms enjoying his singing then he got off the DJ walked towards me still singing holding my hand I can't believe what is happening right now he finished his singing “I hope you all enjoyed my singing" he said the mic causing everyone to cheer and want him to sing again “sorry guys I can't sing again" he said his eyes don't leave mine then switched off the mic everyone will clapping and cheering for him while he walked towards the DJ came back to me wrapped his arms around my waist kissed me “I hope you enjoyed my singing I did it just for you" he whispered I wrapped my arms around his neck “so you are proving your love for me" I said he struggled his shoulders then winked give him one last kiss before we leave why I had a feeling that will be last night for us to see each other spend days and nights together

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now