Chapter 94

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*after few days*
Mariam's pov
Harry decided to meet my mother in the hospital since he already meet my father we are on our way to the hospital they called us saying mum has wake up from her coma finally we're going to see each other again as she told me years ago I don't know why dad forcing harry to sit on the passenger seat at home also was the same doesn't let him sit next to me at all had a feeling that dad doesn't trust harry what the fuck the pass he said that likes him to be my prince charming blushed biting my lip I don't know why this happens when calling harry my prince charming because he truly is “what are you thinking about princess ?" dad asked looking at me through the review mirror which caused harry to turn his head to look at me also “nothing dad" I answered annoyingly harry raised his eyebrow mouthed don't lie I mouthed back shut up my boyfriend looked back at the road actually my dad lies sometimes why I have to tell him that thinking about harry who is right in front of me all the time but it hurts me so bad that dad distance us like I want him close to me he is my boyfriend “dad when you meet grandpa did he distance you from mum ?" I asked smirking since dad is focus on the road harry looked at me his jawline dropped winked at him “of course not" dad answered sound confused if grandpa didn't distance you from why are you distancing me from my boyfriend “oh I think he did" I said dad stopped the car suddenly turned his head looking at me “why are you asking me that ?" dad asked ready to argue I crossed my arms we use to get in arguments but I doesn't want to especially in front of harry “just wondering" I answered there is a simple okay coming out of his mouth while turned to look at the road starting the car again I looked out of the window going closer to it could see from the corner of my eye dad looking at me through the mirror every second “dad stop looking at me it is so annoying" I said angrily he just laughed which caused me to rolled my eyes wish could jump out of the car and go back to the life I was living in with harry and Darcy and Rosé and Jack I doesn't want them to meet my so called dad he is died for them nothing for them “how about you guys stay with us ?" dad asked smiling I sit on the middle crossed my arms shaking my head “after throwing me away from mum I am not living with you anymore" I answered honestly “princess forget about the past I will find your brothers and we will be happy family again plus your boyfriend now is a part of us" dad said smiling putted his hand on Harry's thigh “dad it is your dreams you won't find ever Noah and Richard" I said he stopped we already in front of the kitchen “why are you talking with me like that ?" dad asked angrily I opened the door got out of the car walked towards the hospital “answer my question young lady" he said ahold of my forearm I took my arm out of his hold “because you're weak doesn't know how to take care of your kids even your wife who is my mother I love my life with harry doesn't want you neither my brothers never love much even you dad, mum only" I answered continue walking towards the hospital got stopped by harry “baby let us at least stay for one day" he said I shook my head turned reached the hospital walked towards the elevator pressing the button felt someone's arm around my waist looking at the hand it belong to harry kissed my cheek went to my neck “harry" I warned he hummed still kissing elbowed him could feel his smile against my skin “I can't" harry whispered sucking I held my moan “ah dad" I said so he could pulled away from me “haha so..." harry got cut off “I'm really here mr styles and saw everything" dad said standing next to me pulled me away from him “sorry sir" harry said awkwardly putted his hands inside of his pockets I giggled the elevator finally came dad entered first pressed the button then us he is standing in front of us we reach for each other's hands finally reached harry intertwined our fingers I got closer to him looked up we kissed giggled which caused dad to turned “what is it dad ?" I asked he looked at our hands harry let go that is awkward never felt in front of my dad he turned back I tried to reach for Harry's hand again but can't find it sighed got away from harry rested my head against the hard aluminium until we reached the floor of the room my boyfriend still distancing himself from me thank you dad for ruining every happy and romantic moment I have with harry dad suddenly stopped “mariam come here" he said pointing at the spot next to him I rolled my eyes walked towards the spot wrapped his arm around my shoulder struggled the shoulder “what's wrong princess ?" dad asked I looked at him sighed softly walked faster towards the room that mum is in opened the door she raised her head shocked by my appearance after all these years running towards the bed wrapped my arms around her neck and hers around me crying “mariam Is that really you ?" she asked hearing her voice after all these years “yes mum it is really me" I answered sitting on the bed next to her “I can't believe" she said tears in her eyes “neither do I" I said dad entered sitting on the other side of the bed “how are you honey ?" he asked I got up finding harry stand at the doorway awkwardly his hands inside of his pockets walked towards him pulled from his hand “mum this is harry my boyfriend" I introduced smiling happily she looked at dad the same shocking reaction like dad's “so this is your prince charming" mum said smiling I rolled my eyes why they are calling him that “yes he is" I said looked up at him could see a blush and half shy smile “he is so handsome" she complained smiling mum is much better than dad when she meets someone new in my life I still remember looked up at him could see more blushing on his cheeks “mum stop making him blush" I said she laughed pulled him towards the bed “hi mrs Olivia" harry said offered his hand she shook hands not like dad her smile is the same “your mother raised you well harry" she complained harry let out a simple thank you me and him took a seat on the couch dad clear his throat I rolled my eyes getting up “stay as you are sweetie" mum said smiling I sit back harry took my hand every move we does dad clear his throat and mum give him a look that's why I doesn't want to continue my life with him hate it when he makes everything awkward and uncomfortable

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now