Chapter 28

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*two days later*
Mariam's pov
Niall's text made me cry telling me that harry is like a mess the past days and louis told him I'm adopted hurts me as it did to hurt harry Lara is my roommate she has been comforting me lara has a boyfriend called Alex I thought she was my brother's girlfriend but she is not the reception said that the boys are allowed to visit their sisters and girlfriends in the morning only niall said that he is going to bring harry with him it cheered me up a knock came on the knock on our room “it must be our boys" lara said while she is looking through her books “come in" she yelled lara is funny and sweet “babe" Alex said as long as he entered opening his a little wider for her she jumped wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck then kissed him “hey my lover how are you doing ?" she asked him I rolled my eyes he looked at her in the eyes “I'm fine as long as you are" he answered smiling I feel like a third wheel as my brother with me and harry where are they I miss them “baby sis hey guys" niall said as long as entered having harry behind him I smiled got up from the bed “hey niall and you must be harry" lara said giving my baby boy her hand “yeah I am by the way who are you ?" harry asked smiling shaking hands I miss seeing his smile “I'm lara mariam's roommate and this is my boyfriend Alex" she said looking at me smiling then winked I walked towards my brother and my boyfriend “I have missed you both" I said niall wrapped his arm around my waist then kissed my head “I have missed ya too but don't know about harry" he said I looked at harry could see tiredness and sadness in his eyes I walked towards him wrapped my arms around his waist “harry you missed me right ?" I said looking up at him I had a feeling that what was said to him the past days made his love for me gone “come on man cheer up" Alex said smiling Alex is half british and american harry looked down at me smiling leaned down kissed me I have missed his lips against mine Alex and lara even niall are cheer for us and I am so happy to be back in my baby boy's arms again “come on lovers let's sit make me feel like a fifth wheel" niall said laughing we joined him lara and Alex sitting on her bed, me and harry are sitting on my bed niall sitting between the beds my brother is so cute “big bro sit next to harry" I said niall got from the between the beds sitting next to harry the five of us talked about random things lara and Alex plus me are laughing at harry's terrible jokes I never seen niall not laughing “niall Is something bothering you ?" I asked he smiled shaking his head “um guys I have to go" niall said getting up we waved goodbye to him “mariam Is your brother okay ?" Lara asked I struggled my shoulders I don't know I knew his rumoured girlfriend why he is hiding her from me and doesn't want me to meet her I had a feeling that niall wants to get rid off me so he could start a new life with this rumoured girlfriend “baby girl what are you thinking about ?" harry asked looking down at me “she might be thinking about you" lara said smirking Alex nodded in agreement I blushed “so what lara is saying is true ?" harry asked bitting his lip then leaned down rested his forehead on mine “stop it that's not true" I answered he leaned down more until his lips are closer to mine “babe no" I said putted my point finger on his lips “you guys are so cute together aren't they ?" lara said looking at her boyfriend struggled his shoulders “to be honest we are cuter than them" he answered pecked her lips me and harry laughed “Alex" she warned hitting his chest “I'm just kidding babe all of us are cute are you happy now" Alex said they started arguing harry looked at me started to lean in and I backed away until I layed down “why..." I cut him off “harry we can't do it here" I said he hover over me his hands either sides of my head I wrapped my arms around his neck a knock came on our room “alex and harry hide in the bathroom" lara said harry got off me confused “why ?" harry asked the knock came again “mariam and lara open the door" the principle said from behind the door “babe it's..." I got cut off “there are boys with you mariam and lara" the principal said I cleared my throat lara mouthed to tell her no “no mrs Jackson" I lied nervously harry looked at me “okay mariam you and lara are late for your lectures" the principal said then I could hear her footsteps I took my breath out that I didn't knew was holding “you have lectures why you didn't tell me" harry said shaking me “man relax they are ten minutes late" Alex said I cleared my throat looked at harry struggled my shoulders “come on get ready I will take you to your lecture" he said I looked at them they winked at me lara giggled then look back at harry “I never knew that you are overprotective boyfriend" I said crossed my arms he unwrapped my arms took my hands towards his lips I got up “you two have to get out" lara said I nodded in agreement harry and Alex got up looked at each other Alex wrapped his arm around harry's shoulder waited until they got out “high five girl" lara said raised her hand I rolled my eyes pushed her on her bed by waist stucked my tongue out at her “my boyfriend isn't like yours" I said walked towards the closet she laughed standed next to me with crossed arms “can I do a deal with you ?" she asked I looked at her confused what does she mean by a deal continued looking for something to wear a skirt and tank top “lara I'm not going to make a deal with ya" I answered walked towards the bathroom closed the door still wondering what is her deal I took my pjs off wore my skirt then my tank top checked myself in the mirror the boys are allowed in the college

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now