Chapter 25

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Harry's pov
We are in a taxi and she had her head on my shoulder holding my hand intertwined our fingers she looked up at me smiling then kissed my cheek “the best night" she said I pecked her lips nodded in agreement catched the driver looking at us in the review mirror then looked back at the road “are you two dating ?" he asked the question caused me anger like why he wants to know mariam squeezed my hand gently “ignore him" she whispered in my ear I could see him smirking trying to angry me more “are you dating him darling ?" he asked her which caused me jealousy by calling her that she is just looking down at our hands and fingers my blood is boiling by his questions like I want to start a fight him keep punching his face “drop us here" mariam said then looked at me smiling mouthing to pay him got my wallet out of my pocket getting the money gave her the money to pay him he holded her hand “leave my hand idiot" she said angrily trying to get her hand out of his “if you two aren't dating so she's mine now" he said she looked at me in fear I got out of the taxi as long as I got out it took off my girl is kidnap now niall will kill me I ran my fingers through my hair I heard someone's screaming my name it is her voice I smiled she ran towards me reached me wrapped her arms around my neck crying “hey you're with me now" I said wrapped my arms around her waist rubbing her back we walked to my house unlocked the door then entered “harry don't leave me" she said her voice cracked looking up at me “I promised and also gave you a promise ring remember" I said pointing at the ring she nodded putted her head on the crook of my neck holding tightly on me “by the way how did you skipped from this idiot ?" I asked she looked up at me in fear walked us towards my couch “I kept telling him to drop me off and told him that I will call the police even though I don't have my phone" she answered laughing a little I rubbed her shoulder kissed her head “now you're safe" I said rested my cheek on her head we stayed silent for some minutes looked down at her found her had already fallen asleep I carried her bridal style she holded tightly into me looking like a little girl walked towards the stairs climbing up to my bedroom entered putted her gently she holded tightly on my shirt “baby I will sleep next to you the whole night" I said to make her feel safe she let go of my shirt went to the side of the bed I never knew that she could be that scared I never knew what will happen next if I lost her won't forgive myself neither niall layed down next to her she cuddled up into me “I love you so much harry" she said sitting up straight careless my cheek kissing me I kissed her back took her hand on mine “now you're in the mood for kissing me" I whispered in her mouth she smiled then pulled away from the kiss “I am going to the campus tomorrow morning so I should be in the mood for kissing you even I'm sleepy" she said I holded her hands on mine rested my forehead on hers then hugged her she hugged me back “I don't want you to stay away from me" I said she pulled away looking at me “it is just three weeks babe" she said smiling I pouted leaned in kissed my pouty lips then layed down “good night the love of my life" she added I layed down wrapped my arms around her waist kissed her forehead “good night the angel of my life" I said she giggled turned facing me “sing for me" she said running her fingers through my hair “anything for you my angel" I said laying on my back one hand wrapped her and hers around my stomach “my baby boy has a little tummy" she said squeezing it I rolled my eyes looking down at her “are we going to waste our time to talk about my tummy" I said she looked up at me pouting then hided her face on my chest “your tummy is so cute and you might be pregnant" she said raising her head from my chest stucked her tongue out at me I trickling her hover over her she wrapped her arms around my neck “I love youuuuuuuu" I sang she smiled closing her eyes “I love youuuuuuuu too" she sang blushing I am surprised by her voice “you got a beautiful voice baby girl" I complained she rolled her eyes shaking her head putted my face in the crook of her neck “some people told me that and I still don't believe them" she said I raised my head kissed her cheek “no believe they saying the truth" I said she pushed my face got ahold of her wrist tightly my hold “harry you're hurting me" she said with crossed eyebrows I let go of her wrist “an idiot" she said pushing me away from her I pouted but it didn't work she gave me her back wrapped my arms around her waist she unwrapped them “baby girl please I can't sleep without you in my arms they got used to you" I said pouting even though she sighed then got up from the bed “where are you going ?" I asked she waved her hand on the air walked towards the bathroom I got up walked towards the bathroom wrapped my arms around her waist “stop...being...a... stubborn" I said between the kiss on her neck “but my wrist hurts and remember my finger got burnt" she said rubbing her wrist I unwrapped my arms from around her waist “show me" I said she gave it to me kissed her wrist looking at her she bited her lip shyly blushing I carried her bridal style towards my bed “harry stop it" she said I putted her down gently hover over her started kissing her neck then went to her jawline “stop kissing me there is five minutes and I am suppose to wake up so be sleepy in the lecture what should I tell my professor" she said I stopped kissing her raised my head looking at her “tell him my boyfriend was kissing me it is easy" I said she rolled her eyes smiling putted her head on the pillow “those boys and professor men in your college should know that you're taken" I added she careless my cheeks “harry remember before we started dating what I told ya in my liking list now I am all yours" she said pulled me down closer to her face then kissed me but that doesn't mean the boys and professor men she is mine

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now