Chapter 23

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Harry's pov
Niall took us to a strip club and mariam doesn't want so she gave up and have been in a bad mood the whole car ride I tried everything to cheer her up but she still and I want know why niall have a striper dancing for him mariam isn't liking this club around us some couples are making out others are flirting mariam isn't giving me any chance every time I try to kiss her she push me away “baby girl let's dance at least" I said pouting she shaked her head I rolled my eyes got up “where are you going ?" she asked looking up at me “going to get another girl to dance with me" I answered smirking to see if she will get jealous or not “what" she said shocked got up quickly took my hands wrapped them around her waist “I'm...mmm harry" she moaned while I was kissing her then took my hand walking us deeper towards the girls bathroom we entered the toilet “baby I can't be here" I said she careless my cheeks then kissed me the kiss wasn't long “babe" she said biting her lip I hummed “niall wants me to stay in campus you know a dorm" she added I got confused “why ?" I asked she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her waist “because he wants me to focus on my studies" she answered nervously “that's why you were in a bad mood" I said she nodded a knock came on the door “are you happy now we got caught" I whispered she giggled another knock came “just a second" mariam yelled the girl who was knocking walked away “what if she still here" I whispered she kneeled down opened my belt and the botton last my zipper then came back up messing my hair she gave me a love bite her hand came on my mouth  “you can go out now and the girl who knows you're mine" she whispered then opened the door going to first found a girl putting lipstick on the mirror she turned still holding her lipstick look at me up and down smiling why she didn't noticed the love bite after a second mariam came “what you're looking at honey I would like to tell you that he's taken come on babe let's go" mariam said the girl looked at her in disguise saying something I couldn't recognise “are you saying something" mariam asked the girl rolled her eyes turned continued what she putted her lipstick “look simple and effective" mariam said to me walked towards the booth where niall and the striper are sitting I closed my botton and the zipper, my belt brushed my hair walked towards them sitting next to mariam wrapped my arm around her kissed her cheek “I didn't know that you are a genius baby girl" I said she looked at me “every girl should know that you're only mine" she said I looked at her lips then licked mine leaned in kissed her she is wearing shortly shorts and an shirt we pulled away from the kiss “how about we go to your house" she suggested running her fingers through my hair waiting for my answer “baby I think it is a bad idea" I answered she pouted rested her head on my shoulder playing with her fingers “I know once went to your house it was my first time ended up in a coma" she said looking up at me “baby girl you know niall is overprotective brother" I said looking down at her she nodded understanding what I mean “before you left in the afternoon he slapped me and said that I won't see ya neither go out nothing at all if I didn't focus on my studies" she said it shocked me he slapped her and told her she won't see me I'm not letting this happen plus she will stay in campus dorm room they doesn't allow boys in girls dorm rooms “when are you going to campus ?" I asked she looked up at me “tomorrow morning I guess" she answered I have an idea but I want to know why he wants to leave his sister with some sluts won't say that I doesn't respect other girls also but I don't want to be stopped from seeing my girlfriend “baby how about you move in with me" I offered smiling she shaked her head which caused my smile to fade away “harry I can't he said I will be in the campus for three weeks only" she said I rubbed my nose on hers she giggled leaned up kissed me we are living in our own world even though we aren't the only couple in this club “we have to see each other before I leave for the campus I am been to miss you" I said she nodded smiling then kissed me again “don't worry I won't make ya miss me ever" she said smiling I leaned down kissed her forehead got up giving her my hand she took it pulled her up we walked towards the dance floor wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist dancing to song playing she rested her head on my chest I swing us smiling “baby girl I want to spend a night with you only" I said she looked up at me shaking her head smiling “we..." she got cut off “hey lovers we decided to dance with you" niall said drunkly mariam rolled her eyes got out of the dance floor walked towards the booth I went after her “baby why did you got out of the dance floor ?" I asked sitting next to her she sighed crossed her arms looked at me “because you already know" she answered annoyingly I stroked her hair putted behind her ear “let's go outside to smell some fresh air I know here smells alcohol and drugs" I said getting up giving her my hand she rolled her eyes then took it we walked towards the club's door I pushed the door open getting us outside

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now