Chapter 75

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Harry's pov
I stayed awake until the sunrise ate breakfast and went for a run even though tiredness getting the best of me because miss mariam let me sleep on the couch last night she wakes up before me always but today mariam didn't this running made me feel awake and fresh I stopped to catch my breath I miss mariam my baby girl my sweetheart my life and my light my heart my soulmate my everything I took a big sip of water continue running towards the house getting the bike making sure mariam won't hear me I sit on the bike as long as got far from the house riding it around the streets my mind went to mariam she wondering where I am after finished do my morning routine riding back towards the house placing the bike it is place walked towards the door unlocked it walked towards the stairs climbing up hearing moans and groans what she is cheating on me I walked towards our shared bedroom angrily I stopped kneeled down looking through the hole of the door could see her laying on her stomach looking at my laptop I smirked to myself got up knocked on the door “holy shit he's back" she said so mariam went downstairs knowing that I wasn't home opened the door “hey babe" she said getting out of the bed walked towards me standing on her tippy toes kissed me “you were using my laptop" I whispered she cleared her hands behind her back swing back and forth “you are so funny why would I...wait how did you know that I was using laptop ?" she asked confused I smirked walked towards the bedroom's door point at the hole she fake laughed “I was just watching a movie in it" she said walked towards the bed putted her face on the pillow “a movie very nice as I heard moans and groans" I said smirking she raised her head quickly “I..." I cut her off “baby you have told me before that you are a virgin" I said walked towards the bed she sit on the edge of it “you're not mad right ?" she asked innocently I stroke her hair shaking my head mariam smiled wrapped my arm around her shoulder “yike you're sweating but damn hot" she said looking at me lean in kissed her lips mariam kissed me back “how about we take a shower together ?" I asked she nodded smiling happily unwrapped my arm from around her shoulder “okay I'll go prepare it" I said got up walked towards the bathroom entered it has been a long time since we last took a shower together opened the water I could feel her arms got wrapped around my waist as long as raised my body I turned smiling lean in “harry in the shower" she said putted her hand in front of my mouth “yeah in the shower" I said smiling taking my tank top off could see her biting her lip “I have missed your tattoos so much" she said took my short along with my boxers I helped her to taking her clothes off I got in the shower first held her hand got in also we stand under the shower nozzle our arms already got wrapped around each other's bodies I pulled her closer to me kissed her cheek mariam giggled “it has been a long time since we last took a shower" she said I hummed kissing her neck going down to her body stopped at her pussy “harry why did you stopped ?" she asked looking down at me I smirked “because the better place for this is the bed" I answered smirking got up she wrapped her arms around my neck “I want to make your first time special" I said she rested her head on my chest we stand under the shower nozzle for few minutes we washed each other's bodies with the body washer mariam made bubbles bellowing them “babe you looks so cute" she said while I am looking at the bubble mariam just bellowed “baby enough playing we will get a daughter soon" I said mariam stop bellowing went under the shower nozzle “you always saying the same shit if you doesn't want kids from me why..." I cut her off “I want kids from you but something stopping me" I said she closed the water get out of the bathtub walked towards the door getting her bath rope “what is stopping you another girl who you are cheating on me with" she said while putting the bath rope I opened the water going under the shower nozzle washing the body washer off I finished wrapped a towel around my waist and took one to dry my hair “I'm not cheating on you" I said while drying my hair “the problem that I know" she said laying on her back still on her bath rope since we are covered by our bath rope and towel why don't I make love to her to let her know that I truly love her “harry what are you thinking about ?" she asked sitting up straight smirking mariam knows what I am thinking “dirty thoughts am I right ?" she asked still smirking I smirked back nodding mariam pointed to me to come I throw the towel walked towards her she lay down as long as I reached started kissing and sucking her neck fingers running through my hair “I will let you exploring my body more" she said sitting up straight taking her bath robe off throwing it away she lay down again giving kisses over her body spread her legs going down started kissing and sucking also licking her pussy moans filled the bedroom she thrusting her hips on my tongue I pushed her “baby girl you're so sweet" I said she giggled kissed her thighs went up to her breast kissing and sucking her nipple doing the same to the other moans filled my ears I went up to opening the nightstand getting a condom ripping the sliver square thing with my teeth took the towel off my waist putted the condom on my dick “are you ready ?" I asked smiling I nodded smiling excitedly position myself in her entrance going inside of her slowly “holy shit that hurts" she said I let her adjusted my size waiting for mariam to tell me to move “move" she said I move in and out slowly going a little deeper and faster “baby girl you're so tight" I moaned kissed her lips and neck nails dragging on my back as I kissed her neck “harry harder" she moaned I did as told the headboard hit the wall our moans and groans filled the bedroom

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now