Chapter 33

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Harry's pov
Mariam went to her bedroom doesn't want to let me in because I am blaming her for their cousin get in her while she was taking a shower “harry she won't get out her bedroom" niall said from behind me I nodded smiling weakly “ni I will apologise to her" their cousin said giving him a puppy dog eyes niall sighed nodding my blood is boiling for what he done James knocked on her bedroom's door “leave me alone" she said from inside “mariam it's me James" he said I could hear getting up from her bed “Is niall and harry with ya ?" she asked from behind the door “yeah they are" he answered smiling I rolled my eyes “sis me and harry will..." I cut him off “I won't leave her alone with him" I said angrily niall sighed loudly “harry he is our cousin and James didn't mean to this" niall said I give up taking a deep breath “fine" I said niall smiled wrapped his arm around my shoulder taking me downstairs walked towards the couch “come on mate sit down and I know that she will be fine" he said while switching the television on I sit looked upstairs hoping she will forgive me mariam be doing pranks on me the doorbell rang niall looked at me confused “are ya expecting... wait it is my house" he said laughing then got up walked towards the door opened “hey niall mariam called me" the person who is at the door said I got confused “lara how did ya knew the address ?" niall asked surprisingly I could hear mariam and James coming downstairs “lara" mariam said smiling happily walked towards them “come in" she added niall looking at them confused not understanding anything they walked towards the stairs climbing up to her bedroom “I'm confused and scared about what mariam is doing" niall said sitting next to me I struggled my shoulders mariam is ignoring me and it hurts my heart I want my mariam back why she is doing this to me it is because I blamed her about James could hear her laugh coming downstairs which caused me and niall turned and looked at her arm wrapped around her cousin's shoulder and his around her waist which makes me feel jealous lara behind them “Alex and adam plus Amelia are coming" lara said as long as they reach the last step of the stairs “who is Adam ?" niall asked from behind me “it is Alex's brother" lara answered smiling mariam sit on her james's lap I know that she is trying to make me feel jealous more “mariam get your fucking ass off james's lap" niall said angrily she waved her hand in air he was about to go towards them I stopped him “are you trying to make feel jealous mariam ?" I asked she looked at me confused rolled her eyes then continued talking to James I gritted my teeth “guys relax by the way they are coming" lara said while texting on her phone the doorbell rang niall ran to it smiling happily “hey man even though I saw you morning" Alex said my eyes are leaving mariam “ow harry is here also" Alex added mariam is ignoring me completely which is causing my blood to boil Alex introduce his brother and Lara's sister to niall mariam got up from james's lap walked towards the kitchen I followed grabbed her forearm roughly “can I know why are you ignoring me ?" I asked she took her forearm of my hold she walked pass me like I'm not here “attention everyone I want make a toast for niall and his new girlfriend Amelia's relationship, mine and harry's relationship" she said looked at me when mentioned our relationship they cheered expect me I walked towards the balcony could hear footsteps someone cleared throat “can I join ya ?" she asked I turned with teary eyes mariam pulled her cup on the table “babe I didn't mean to hurt you all of this was planned by me just..." I cut her off by raising my hand to shush her looked up could see her biting her lip then I opened my arms little wider she smiled ran into them wrapped her arms around my waist and mine got wrapped around her shoulders “I love you harry more than you can imagine" she said looked up at me then jumped wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck kissed me “you are the best boyfriend I ever got" she added looking down at me I looked up at him “and you are the best girlfriend I ever got" I said spinned her around giggles could be heard and laugh when I see her happy makes me happy someone fake coughed which is niall his wrapped around his new girlfriend smiling happily “what do ya want big bro ?" mariam asked I putted her down she crossed her arms “to thank you for bringing happiness to me" he said smiling then kissed Amelia's cheek mariam giggled we laughed she pouted “oh by the way you can move in with harry" he added she turned to me smiling happily ran to me kissing me repeatedly on the lips “I can't believe that I finally going to live with you" she said smiling happily “but still have to focus on your studies" he said she rolled my eyes then turned “fine" she said annoyingly they left I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind started kissing her neck “it looks like my baby boy is back for loving me" she said resting her head on my shoulder “but I have to help you with your studies" I said she swing us humming something I can't figure raised her head “thank ya even though it will be so annoying" she said I kissed her cheek turned into my arms wrapped her arms around my neck “I want my girl be successful" I said she nodded then rested her head on my chest “as long as your heart is beating for me I will keep trying to be successful and make niall proud especially my babe which is you" she said looked up at me smiling her arms around my torso I leaned down kissed her “let's start" I said she rested her chin on my chest “my books are back in the dorm room I could tell..." I cut her off “baby girl I will get them in the morning it is disrespectful to let lara get them for you" I said she laughed which is confused me “excuse me sir I come with ya" she said pouting I careless her cheeks I sighed softly closed my eyes “are you going to cheat on me or already done it ?" she asked taking my hands of her cheeks caused me to open my eyes “baby I am a loyal boyfriend I wouldn't never do that to you" I answered she gave me her back “baby girl I am serious" I added pouting she turned “harry please I'm sorry please forgive me please I will..." I cut her off “I knew it that pouty will make it's super power" I said carried her bridal style getting us inside from the balcony they look at us smirking “why y'all smirking ?" mariam asked they looked at each other then laughed she pouted “those bad people are laughing at me babe" she said looking at me still pouting then the doorbell rang niall went to opened it reliving hayley I dropped mariam from my arms “ouch my head hurts" she said rubbing her head I kneeled down checking it niall excused himself from hayley “what happened ?" he asked mariam looked at me angry “baby I..." she cut me off “shut up you done it on purpose I'm going to talk to hayley" she said getting up was about to fall but I catched her tried to get out of my hold “I have to go talk to hayley can't leave her standing there alone" she added pushing me away from her “leave her mate" niall said smiling I let go of her she walked towards the door then suddenly fall all of us said her name at same time ran towards her

I fall in love with a guy named harry edward stylesWhere stories live. Discover now