New Year, New Us ~ 😊

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Tom x reader
W/c: 2k

I had layed everything out on my bed, make-up, hair things, my outfit, asessories and all the things that me and Lucy would need to get us ready with. Lucy were coming over so we could get ready together, but mostly just to help me get ready. I have not really been the type of person to dress up, or to wear loads of make-up, even tho I had a lot. Guess when you don't know what to give a girl, you give make-up.

Lucy has always liked dressing up, not in a girly way, in a more sexy way, and with her being "the sexy one" she always have the boys all over her. Even tho the boys try to get with her, she hasn't actually had that many boyfriends, but still more than me, if you couldn't already guess that. I don't really mind tho, I'm more down to earth if you could say that. I don't mind not getting attention, but I also don't mind it when I do get it, I know, weird.

A little under a year ago, Lucy started dating Harrison Osterfield. When they made it official, I can tell you she gained a lot of followers, since he was a famous model. I met Harrison, or Haz as we all call him, around two weeks after they started dating. I gained a good amount of followers, after Haz one time posted a picture with me in it, and tagged me.

I hung out with Lucy and Haz a lot at first since Lucy is my best friend, and because I didn't wanna be lonely, yeah I had other friends, but none were as Lucy. But I felt way to much like a third weel, so I gave them some space, which they needed too. I still hung out with Lucy when Haz had work.

Around two months into them dating I met Tom. He had been away filming for one of his movies, so I hadn't met him untill then. Tom and I didn't really speak at all. We only hung out at parties with Lucy and Haz, but at those parties we became closer and soon we were this group of four that always hung out, and we all became the best friends. Then Tom and I began hanging out when Lucy and Haz were together on dates or whatever.

Lucy posted a picture of the four of us at the beach. Some people assumed Tom and I were a couple, which made things between us really awkward, and Tom said we were friends met trough Haz and Lucy, and there was nothing between us. He was right, we were just friends, truely, we were just friends, no hidden feelings at all, not at that point at least.

Me and Tom became closer, he became my best boy-friend. And yeah I wouldn't mind if there wasn't a hyphen in that word. He became my crush. I tried not to make anything awkward when we were together, but I didn't even have to try, I could always be myself around him, he made me the better version of myself.

When I told Lucy about my crush on Tom, she was overly excited. She couldn't stop talking about it. She kept talking about how cute we would look together, and how much she wanted us to be together even before she found out I liked him. She always gave me those looks when I was around Tom, the look saying "You should make a move" or the "You guys look so cute together", I always just shrugged my shoulders or made the "shut up" look.


The sound of my door opening, brought me back to life, from almost reliving the last year. I already know it's Lucy, and she doesn't even need to knock, I gave her one of my spare keys, just like I have one of hers. We've practiclly been living at each others flats, since we got them, we almost decided to get one together, but didn't for some reason. Tho I stopped bursting into her flat, when she was around five months into her and Haz' relationship, you never know what they might be doing.

"Lets get started!" She practically screamed from the hallway while making her way into my home.

"You sure is excited." I giggled as she made a funny face standing in my doorway.

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