Moody ~ 😢

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Request: Could you write something with reader being really moody due to her lack of sleep the night before and she takes that on tom by yelling at him in front of the boys when a minor incident happens? And he's like a lost puppy trying to understand what did he do? Happy ending pls 💗 (57)

Tom x reader
W/c: 0.5k

"Good morning m'love." Tom greets you along with a kiss, when you walk into the kitchen. He was in the middle of making some eegs for breakfast. Harry was also there making some tea, 'cause whenever Tom makes it, they boys always complain about it, saying it's terrible, and that Tom never should make tea.

"Morning." You say almost emotionless. You had woken up earlier than usual, since you didn't sleep very well. You had woken up a few times during the night, and had a hard time falling asleep again. So now you had a bit of a headache, due to the lack of sleep you got.

"You okay?" Tom asks, always knowing when you are not quite yourself. You answer with a short 'fine', and that seems to be good enough for Tom, as he goes back to the eegs.

You and Tuwaine - who just woke up - starts setting the table, and find some juice from the fridge. When it is all set, you sit down and start eating, while the boys shouts at Harrison across the house to wake him up.

"You look more tired than usual." Harrison tells you, when he joins the table. It always gets on your nerves when someone tells you that, but you really try holding back, so you didn't yell at him.

"Maybe I am." You say back at him with a tight smile. You wanted to just straight out say 'fuck you Harrison', but that wouldn't have been nice, so you decided against it.

"Love, for today I was thinking, maybe we could watch a movie, before the boys and I go out to golf, and you are more than welcome to join." You just nod along, not giving him your full attention.

He keeps talking, rambling on and on about something, the more he keeps going, the more it just sounds like nothing, just a bunch of noise that wouldn't stop. And that definitely didn't help your growing headache.

"And my mum called, she wants us to come over soon, she says it's been too long since-" Tom keeps talking, but it is too much for you, you need silence.

"Can't you shut the fuck up?!" You finally yell at him, stand up, and leave him and the boys shocked and confused.

"What did I do?" Tom asks them confused, when he didn't find the answer by himself.

"Let her be, you can't make whatever you did better by following her, just give her some time, and you'll be fine." They tell him with a pad on the back, leaving him to think.

He can't find one thing he did wrong. The minutes go by, you are still locked up in your room, while Tom is sitting and wondering over what he did to make you so angry, but he can't find one explanation.

Around lunch time you finally leave the room, and Tom comes crawling to you, pleading for your forgiveness. To his suprice, you gave him a kiss and a hug.

"You did nothing, I just slept really bad, so I'm just a bid moody, and I took that out on you," you explained to him. "I'm so sorry Tom. Don't punish yourself for doing nothing."

The rest of the day was spend more or less like he suggested. Wrapped up in a blanket, cuddling while watching movies, tho Tom wouldn’t leave your side when the others went golfing. He had to make sure you were okay, and that you were.

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