Golf (4) ~ 😊

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Tom x reader
W/c: 1k

"Are you ever gonna help me? I obviously need it, I have no idea what I'm doing, and you're just showing off." You and Tom have been playing golf for some time now, but not once have he really tried to help. He keeps being amazing, and you are here, no idea what how to play for real.

"Ok, here let me help." He says laying down his golf club, and moving over to you. Getting behind you. As he moves closer to lay his hands over your, he is all up against your back. You can feel his hot breath against your neck, just as much as his toned abs against your back.

He removes his one hand, to tap the side of your thigh, to fix your leg placement. "Your legs need to be wider apart." You did as told, and he moves his hand back on top of yours. "You also need to be longer away from the ball, when you shoot, you should lean more forward, we are playing golf, not minigolf." Tom directs your golf to push the ball further away, then placing the golf club at the side, making you lean forward with Tom following.

"Now to the movement." He guides the golf club up to the starting position, next to your heads. "So you start here, and then you will," he starts the motion in slowmo, "swing trough," as he does, "and end here." Your body have automaticly shifted to the side, Tom's body still up against yours, but slightly more to the side, as he didn't move his body as much in the swing. The golf club is around you and Tom's shoulders, your faces extremly close.

He moves back away from you as you learn the swing motion, then moves back as he sees it looks good, and sure you are ready for the next thing. "Now your legs." He takes the club and lays it down, as you wont need it. "Your feet, when you swing your right leg should end on toes and point i the direction of where you want the ball to go." He shows it with his own, and you follow along. "And then you need to have more hip action." He gets behind you again, placing his hands over your hips, and the tough makes you shiver. As you make the swing motion with your hands, adding the feet too, he rotates your hips. You do it a couple of times, getting the motion better and better.

"This is like a dream come true." You say, looking at him.

"This is your dream come true?" Tom asks happy as he gives you back the club, so you can try on the actual ball, and not just the air.

"I never said it was my dream, I said it was a dream come true." That makes Tom feel stupid. "But it really feels like a dream." You continue, and Tom smiles a little to himself.

"And how so?" Tom asks, knowing what you meant, but just wanting you to keep talkimg, so he can hear your sweet voice.

You swing the golf club before answering, trying your really best to memorice everything Tom told you. "I'm playing golf, with an actor, on a da-" You stop as you aren't sure what it is. Date or not? "I don't know, it's just unreal really." You do really great, both you and Tom pround of how quick you got better, not wquite learned it, but on it's way.

"I know what you stopped yourself from saying." You feel awkward, feeling stupid, so you avoid eye contact, looking over the field instead.

"Yeah just forget that." You say embaraced to think it as a date. Why would and actor want to go on a date?

"Why would I? I thought of this as a date, wasn't it obvious enough?" You sigh and turn arounf to see him walking towards you.

"To be real, no. It really wasn't, I had no idea what this was." You both laugh, moving closer. Standing in front of eachother, you can't help but think it's going to be awkward, or that you will say something weird.

"Well now you know. I'll make sure to make it more obvious the next time." He says, while gently putting first one hand on your waist, then the other. His hand placement makes your hands go automaticly up to his shoulders.

"The next time?" You ask hopefully moving back to see his face more. You like Tom, and he obviously likes you too, which mkes you very happy, almost like you could scream.

"Yes, of course if you would like a second date." A second date is exactly what you want, but you decide to tease Tom a bit.

"I don't know, maybe not." Tom looks down at you with confusion and a little sadness in his eyes, his eyes frowned. "It depends on how this one goes I guess."

"Well then I will make sure you have a really good time so that second date can be made." You know he doesn't mean it in a sexual way, but you can't help but widden your eyes. And Tom thinking he said something terribly wrong, and scared that you are uncomfortable, he backs away, his hands leaving your waist. "Oh nonono, I didn't mean it like, I just meant, I hope you enjoy it, like the golf and talking, so that we could arrange a second date, I didn't mean it any other way, I'm sorry." Tom rambles, but you move closer to him again, placing you hands back on the very comfortable place over his shoulders, which makes Tom sigh in relief, knowing he didn't mess up.

"It's fine, I know what you meant." He places his hands back in his also very comfortable place. You stand there for some time, just looking in eachothers eyes, admiring one another. And you both can't help but smile and lean in to kiss.

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