Golf (1) ~ 😊

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Tom x reader
W/c: 1.5k

"I'm not going."

"We are going to play golf as a family, and you're apart of this family, so you're going too." Your mom says, taking your phone, while your little brother and your dad got the things in the car. Your whole family have always been a fan of golf, yourr dad and brother would play every weekend, and often your mom would join them. You don't like golf, it is too boring and you are pretty bad at it, so you don't wanna play, since you hate loosing. Most of the time, your are alowed to just stay at home, while your family goes to play, but sometimes they force you to come, they always use the excuse of "family time".

"Give me my phone!"

"Then come."

"Fine." You change clothes and pack the things you"ll need. You get in the car with your family, and ride to the golf fields.


After around 20 minutes of driving, you finally arrived. Your family getting the golf clubs, while you are just on your phone, not caring.

"Give a hand, could you?" You mom asks, you help and get the things over to the first hole. You all start, and of course you are the one with the worst shot.


"Can't we just go home?" You have been playing for some time now, and your getting tired, all you want is to lay in bed, watch a movie, and get some snacks. Nothing can top that.

"No, now were playing. We only have a couple of holes back."

"Y/n isn't your turn now." Your brother says all excited, for some reason.

"No just get my ball and keep playing. I'm going to the bathroom. I'll find you guys." Your mother takes a little while before saying ok, as if she thought you were going to leave them.


You get out of the bathroom, and make your way back. You aren't really paying attention to anything, so without knowing you bump into someone. You hear a loud crash, and look down to your feet to see plenty of golf clubs.

"I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was going." The person goes to their knees, and you can see it's a boy, with brown hair, he doesn't look much older than you.

"No it's as equal my fault." He sounds around your age too. You go down to your knees aswell, feeling bad for knocking all their things down. You help him, and as you both reach for the same golf club, your hands touch, yours laying on his.You take your hand back and grab a new golf club. And it's first now you realize, how close the two of you are.

You get all the things, and as you both go up, you lean forward crashing your noses and lips together, it almost feels like slowmotion. As both of you are in shock, you don't pull away, and your lips are awkwardly together. You look at your lips then to each others eyes. He has such beautiful chokolate brown eyes. You feel as if you are downing in them. It feels like time stops, and you share a moment.

Then everything comes clear, and you pull away from his lips, and stand up.

"I'm so sorry," the boys stand up in front of you, "for all of this." It's the first time you really get a good look of each other. And holy fuck he's HOT.


"What?" The boy asks confused.

"You're really hot."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now