Bad treatment ~ 😢

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Request: can you do an imagine with frat!tom where he’s embarrassed to be dating the reader because she’s a nerd? maybe he ignores her and treats her like shit basically when they’re in public but is the sweetest when they’re alone? and maybe one day he overhears her crying with her best friend about how heartbroken she is but can’t do anything about it because she loves him so much and he feels guilty and starts to treat her better? sorry if it’s too detailed🤧

Frat!Tom x reader
W/c: 0.6k

Tom walked his way to your dorm room with a smile on his lips. His last class was cancelled, for a reason he didn't care enough about to remember. So he went straight to your dorm, to suprice you with a bag of chips in one hand. Friday was usual spend on partying, but today he just wanted to spend a night with you.

He was now standing in front of your door, his free hand on the handle and about to open the door, to see you. But a silent cry had him frozen, he then heart a voice which belonged to your best friend, Lilly.

"Honey, look at me." And then another cry. "Y/n/n." So it was you that were crying. Tom wanted to open the door and hopefully make whatever it was better, but he just stood there still.

"Talk to me."

"It's-It's just too much, I can't anymore." Tom finally heard you say.

"Can't do what anymore?"

"Tom!" He heard you cry out, and it broke him. What had he done?

"What did he do?"

"Nothing, he does nothing! He ignores me when we are around other people, I feel like he is embarrassed about me." The more Tom listened to your words, the more his heart broke. He wasn't embarrassed nor would he ever be.

"He's this frat boy, spends all night partying, he treats me like I'm a nerd, and yeah maybe I am, but he shouldn't treat me that way. Nobody of his friends know we are together. One time I heard his other frat friends talking shit about me, he didn't say anything to them, he didn't stand up for me, he agreed!"

"He's a dick, that's what he is."

"But not when it's just the two of us. After a long day, he will come over here, and we will cuddle till we fall asleep, so the sweetest to me when it's just us. But he becomes cold to me whenever there's other people. I don't know what to do." Your sobs broke Tom's heart into pieces. He kew you were right, he often became cold towards you, he had no idea of why, but it was never meant to hurt you.

"Break up with him."

"I can't, I love him too much." The two of you had never said I love you before. He would have been so happy to the words, if it wasn't for the situation.

"Do you even think he loves me?" That was enough for Tom, he had heard enough. He opened the door, giving you and Lilly a shock.

"I'm so so sorry for listening to your conversation. But believe when I say this Y/n," he moved towards you, looking deeply into your eyes. "I love about you so much."

He sat down infront of the bed you were sitting on, and took your hand in his. "I'm so sorry for ever making you feel this way, I had no idea." Tears started rolling down his cheeks. "I've been such an idiot, I never meant to hurt you. I love you so much, please believe me." You didn't say anything.

"I'll let you two be alone." Lilly said breaking the silence, she got up and left.

"Darling?" You looked into his golden brown eyes that shined from the tears. "Please give me another chance, I will change, I love you, and I never want to not be with you." He was desperate.

"One more chance, that's it." Tom took his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug, and kissed the top of your head.

"Thank you." He hugged you even tighter into his chest. "I promise I will fix all that I have broken."


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