Jessica Rabbit ~ 😊

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Request: Would you write something with reader dressing up as jessica rabbit for a halloween party and she goes to show it to tom, but Harrison is also dare and he stares a little way too long at your costume and tom gets really jealous and clingy the whole night?

Tom x reader
W/c: 0.7k

Halloween is a great holdiday for all ages. Kids go trick or treating alongside their friends. Aldults and elders can watch their kids and grandkids have fun, and open the door for all the small kids. And young adults, can go out to parties and get drunk.

And that is exactly what you and Tom had planned for Halloween. Go to a party with friends, and get drunk as shit.

Tom had been invited to a halloween party tonight by some of his friends. Tom told you about the party, and asked you to go with him, which you were more than excited to do.

It was a halloween costume party. You had gone out with a good friend of yours a couple days ago, and helped you find something, as well as something for her, since she had also been invited to the party.

You had brought everything you needed. Tom had begged to know what you were wearing, but you wouldn't tell him, even tho he told you what he was going as.

Harry had the great idea, that Tom should go as Marty McFly from Back To The Future, because of the deepfake scene that had been made with him and Robert. So that was what he went as, his hair to the other side then normal, beige trousers, a shirt and a jacket that looked close enough.

He had been ready for an hour, and waited for you in the living room with the boys, confussed about what took so long. They weren't going anywhere, they would just watch a couple of scary movies, and eat.

"I'm comming now!" All eyes turned to the doorway,  and Tom arubtly stood up excited to see you.

And in trough the doorway you came, dressed as Jessica Rabbit. First thing Tom noticed was the red sparkling dress, it layed beautifully on you, tight on your chest all the way down to your hips, showing off the curves of your body.

The top of the dress didn't go as high up as Tom would have liked, it didn't leave much to the imagination. The dress had a long split down your left leg, that went all the way up your thigh, only just hiding your underwear, that Tom later would find out was a black lace thong.

You were in a pair of high red stilletos, that Tom would imagine would hurt to walk in. You had long blue gloves on that matched the blue eyeshadow. Your lips were the same bright red as the dress and shoes.

And lastly you had a ginger wig on, that was styled with a big swoupe. You looked exactly like Jessica Rabbit, maybe a little too much like her.

"Damn." You hear Harrison say.

You do a couple of turns, showing how the dress swings, and your whole bare back, the dress starting just above your ass, that looked very nice.

"You look very good." Tom saw Harrison looking you up and down, way too much for his liking.

"Yeah well it's not for you!" Tom shouts, and hugs you close trying to cover you up a bit, making Tuwaine burst out into laughter.

It was fun standing next to Tom, cause the feels made you taller. So when Tom was hugging, you looked over his head, and silently laughed along wirh Tuwaine, which made Harry laugh.

"Love, you look beautiful, but don't you think it's a bit much?."

"No, I don't think it's a lot."

"Well it's showing a lot."

"Well if you are scared that someone will try and steal me from you, you better show everyone that I'm yours." You said and kissed him.

"Yeah, well lets go."

Tom made sure everone knew who you came with, and that you were his. Every time someone walked up to you - or at least when guys did -, he came up behind you, and hugged you close.

Tom was glued to your side the entire night, his arm around your body or kissing you non stop. And when it came to dancing, either you were facing each other, and his hands were on your ass, or your back was on his chest, his hand on your hips, as your ass was pushed against him.

At the end of the night you were both compleatly drunk. When you were about to leave, drunk Tom stood up on a table, and yelled out that he was going to take you home to have sex with you, just to make sure everyone knew you were his.

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