Listen to my voice ~ 😊

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Request: Reader is having a hard time sleeping --------------------------------------------------------------

Tom x reader
W/c: 0.8k

You and Tom have only been together for a couple of weeks and tonight you are taking it a step further, you are going to sleep over at Tom's house for the first time. You have cuddles countless of times, a few times falling asleep and taking a little nap, but you have never spent the night.

It's around 10.30 in the evening, not much is happening, you are just sitting on the couches with Tuwaine, Harry and Harrison -since they also live in the house- having some beers and snacks.

You love the boys, they have wellcomed you so nicely, and after knowing them for such a short time, you have become ok friends. Tom loves to see you interact with the people he love.

"Y/n, I don't mean this in any rude way, cuz you're good company, but it's getting late, and I don't think any of us wants you to walk home before it gets darker." Harrison speaks up after looking at his watch.

"I forgot to say, she's staying the night." Tom is quick to answer.

"Oh?" Tom was meant to tell them, but he had forgotten.


"If you're gonna have sex, then please for gods sake, be quiet, I don't want to hear anything." Harry says with a disgusting facial expresion, and you can feel Tom stiffing up in his whole body underneath you. Neither of you were prepaired for that comment.

"Harry shut up."

At around 1 am you all decided it was time to go to bed, so you and Tom got ready, said goodnight to the boys and went to bed.

"You know, I'm really your sleeping over." Tom says as he lays the cover over your bodies.

"I am too." He shifts closer to you in a spooning position, making sure you are okay with it. One of his arms laying under your head as a pillow, the other around your waist, hugging you close to his body.

You talk for a bit before saying goodnight for real and drifting off to sleep.

Tom was in a deep sleep after a couple minutes of silence, but you can't seem to do the same, still laying awake after what most have been half an hour.

It's not like you aren't tired, cuz you are, but something is keeping you from sleep.

You decided to try again with the sleep, closing your eyes and relaxing the best you can.

After another half hour, you try thinking of something that can make you fall asleep, the first thing coming to mind is reading, it has helped before.

After getting Tom's arm away from you, tou sit up in the bed. You move to the end of the bed, finding your phone to read something on online. From where you are sitting you see how peaceful Tom looks while sleeping.

But then he starts mooving around a lot, searching for your body to hold on to. His eyes open in confusion as you aren't with him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Can't fall asleep."

"What's the time?"


"Come here, lay on my chest." You look at him confused. "Trust me, I just wanna help you fall asleep." He says holding his arms out for you.

You lay on top of him, head on his chest.

"This was something my mum used to do, when I had nightmares and couldn't fall asleep."

"I didn't have a nightmare."

"I know, but it helps you relax, then eventually fall asleep."


"Just, relax and listen to the sound of my voice, okay?" You nodd in his chest.

"Relax your body, every single muscle." He says slow and soft.

"Focus on my chest rising and sinking." As he speaks, he softly runs one of his hands around on your back, trying to get you as relaxed as possible, and it is working. "Focus on my voice."

"It's just me and you."

"I can tell It's already working." You mumble a yes.

"I'm really happy that you stayed. love your company. I love having you in my arms." He gives you a sweet kiss on the top of your head.

"Keep focusing on my chest and voice."

"I think we should do this more often. I can't explain to you how happy I am right now. I don't think I ever will forget this moment." Giving you another kiss.

"I'm so lucky I have you, your so beautiful. Intelligent. Caring. Selfless. Funny. Sweet. I could go on if I wanted to." He speaks with a sooting voice, taking long breaths after each words. At the end he begins hearing soft snores leaving you lips.

He gave you yet another kiss on your head. "I love you." He hugs you tighter to him, then drifting off to sleep as well.

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