The sweet and the stubborn ~ 😊

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Request: Could you write something with tom always wanting to help reader with whatever she's doing but she's just too stubborn to let him?

Tom x reader
W/c: 0.8k

"You ready, babe?" Tom calls after you. It is sunday evening, and Nikki had invited you and Tom over for a family dinner.

"Two seconds." You call back. You fix the last details, putting on a bracelet and earings, and then make your way out of the room. "How do I look?" Tom looks up at the top of the staircase, where you are standing, looking gorgeous.

"As beautiful as ever." He tells you with heart eyes. As you begin going down the stairs, Tom runs up next to you, and locks his arm with yours, helping you down the stairs.

"You didn't need to do that."

"I know, I just wanted to." He says and places a kiss on your tempel.

Tom hands you your jacket, grabs his keys, as you then walk over to the car. You quickly sit into the passengers seat before Tom could hold the door open for you. He always holds the car door open for you, not just the car door, any door. But right now, you just need to get going, as you are already too late for when Tom told Nikki you would be there.

Tom parks in front of his chilhood home, and before you get the chance to exit the car, Tom sprints to your side, and holds out a hand for you.

"Tom I can easily get out of a car without help." You say softly.

"I know, but I love holding the door open for you." He reasons.

"I know you do, and I appreciate it, you're such a gentleman," you say placing your hand in his, and stepping out of the car. "All I'm saying is, you don't have to." You give him a kiss.

His family invites you in, and are quick to make small talk with you, just like always. The first night you had met Tom's family, they welcommed you so nicely into their family. They see you as family, and you see them the same.

Nikki and Sam begins to bring the food out on the table, and you decide to help, taking the bowl of salad.

"Let me take it." You haven't even made it out of the kitchen, before Tom's stops you, and holds out his hands, to take the bowl from you.

"Tom, I don't need your help."

"I know, but you are the guest, so let me take it, you can sit down at the table and talk."

"Here," you say and hand him the bowl. "I'm just gonna take something else then."

"Love!" Tom call after you, as you take another bowl. You and Tom then goes to the table together.

The dinner was nice, just like always. Sam was and will always be an amazing chef, and Nikki just as amazing. After the dinner, you all sat down with a drink, except Paddy of course, and catched up.

The time went by very quickly, and before you knew it, it was already 11 pm. You and Tom excuse yourself, you bid them all goodbye, and get in the car to go home. Tom holds the door open for you, you being too tired to say anything against it.

It is a short 15 minute drive back to your house, but you still manage to fall asleep. Tom notice this, when he stops at a red light and starts talking, but doesn't get an answer. He turns the music of, and drive the rest of the way home in silence.

He parks the car, and then go to your side. Tom caresses your cheek, as he calls your name and all of your nicknames, trying to wake you up softly. He would have let you sleep, but you are wearing makeup, and he knows you have to take it of.

As your eyes slowly open, Tom lifts you up in bridal style, locks the car, and unlocks the house. Shoes still on he carries you up the stairs, and go into the bathroom, sitting you up on the counter, and begins finding the makeup remover.

"Tom I can do, don't worry." You say in your sleepy voice.

"Love, I've seen you remove your makeup thousands of times, I think I can manage it." He says and starts to softly remove your makeup. You try taking the cotton pad from his hands, but he gives you a stern yet carring look, so you give in, letting him take off your makeup.

He takes of your jewlery, but skips your face night routine, and carries you to bed, taking off your heels, and hands you his t-shirt, that you always sleep in.

"Do I need to help you change, or can you do that?"

"Think I'll be fine." You managed to change, only needing Tom's help to unclips your bra.

After you both had changed, you turned the lights off, and layed in the middel of the bed hugging each other.

"Thank you for helping me, you're really sweet, I love you."

"And you're really stubborn," he chuckles. "I love you too." He says hugging you closer and leave a kiss on your head.


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