I will always love you ~ 😢

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Tom x reader
W/c: 0.8k

Tom has always loved you, and then he didn't just love you, but he became in love with you.

But you never saw Tom as anuthing more than a friend. For you, you were only best friends, and would never be more.

When you needed help about boys, you would go to Tom, cuz he was a boy himself and he would always help. As much as it hurt him, having to listen to you talking about other guys, he would still help you.

You would date other guys, hold distance to him, and spend less time together, then you would break up, and crawl into Tom's arms for comfort. He was always there for you.

Tom would wait forever for you, hoping that you could be his at one point. But it didn't happen.

You had just gotten a new boyfriend, when Tom found out, he was sad, but couldn't tell you. You started again being distant to Tom, spending all your time with your new boyfriend, not having time with your best friend.

He broke up with you, as he thought you were cheating on him with Tom, you tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen.

So you once again, crawled back to Tom. But this time, it ended very different. You asked him why you hadn't found the right guy yet, and why no guys were good enough. You told him, that you just wanted someone, that could respect you like Tom did.

"Then why not me?" He said after a while of silence.

"What do you mean?"

"If you want a guy like me, why can't I just be that guy?"

"Why are you saying that? Tom you are just my best friend." Confusion was written all over your face.

"I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" You had no idea what was going on, or what Tom was talking about.

"I can't keep pretending y/n. I can't keep pretending that it doesn't hurt me, when you find a new guy. And when you break up, you crawl into my arms after keeping distance from me, just to find a new one and not see me again."

"That's not true. We do see each other." You disagreed with his statement.

"No we don't y/n, and you know that. The only thing I am to you, is a friend who helps you when you are sad."

"You mean so much more to me."

"Well i don't mean enough to you, for you to call me yours." Tom tried his best to keep himself together and not break down crying, or start yelling.

"We are just friends." That hurt Tom, as if he was stabbed in the chest by you.

"I can't keep holding these emotions in. I don't want to be just your friend I want to be able to call you mine. I can't keep pretending like I'm not in love with you!" He finally snapped, admiting his feelings.

"I- what?"

"You heard what I said, I don't just love you, I'm in love with you y/n. And it hurt so bad to see the girl you love going from guy to guy." He felt like he could start crying at any point.

"Tom, I'm sorry-" You looked down, feeling too guilty to look him in the eyes.

"You don't feel the same, do you?" You shaked your head, no.

"Then I can't keep being here for you."

"Don't leave."

"I have no other choice."


"I will always love you." That was the last words he said to you before closing the door behind him, as well as sending you one last glance.

So Tom left you, he couldn't stand it anymore. You were both crying for weeks straight. Tom leaving the one he loved. You seeing your best friend that you love leave. But the love for each other were different.

It had been 8 months, and you would still cry about what happened that night. You would see Tom every where, due to his job. He seemed so happy, like he was glad he finally left you, and that thought made you cry even more.

But Tom was an actor, he is payed to lie, and so he did with his life, he lied to the media, lied to his friends and family, saying everything was fine, when it was the complete opposite. He missed you more than anything, wanting to go back to you, but that would all hurt him even more, as you would never love him the same.

As you began missing Tom more and more, your thoughts began, and at one point you realised, you had always loved him, as more than a friend. You couldn't live without him, you needed him. And he needed you.

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