Talking ~ 😢

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Tom x reader
W/c: 1k

"Do you ever fucking listen to what I say?" You really had no idea how it started, but now Tom was yelling at you.

"It's seems as if you never fucking shut up about your own stuff, that you can't even stop for a second, and listen to mine!" He let out a sigh of relief, as if his words were something he had held back, and finally let free.

"I'm so-"

"Fucking talking again now. And don't even say sorry, cuz if you were, you would shut your fucking mouth!" His tone was harsh, probably more than he intended.

You didn't say a single word, Tom didn't either. You were just looking at each other, until Tom shut his eyes close and sat down on the couch, trying to find some kind of relaxation. But you kept standing there, as if your feet were glued to the ground, eyes becoming waterfalls of tears, and scared to say a single word.

You and Tom didn't usually fight, some arguments from time to time, but nothing big. Especially not yelling at each other like Tom did just then, you always tried to find a solution as quick as possible, but that wasn't tonight.

You quietly left the room, took on your shoes and a jacket and left your flat. You just couldn't bare to be there for another second, needing some fresh air to your mind. Just a walk around the town, it always seemed to help, in almost any situation.

The sound of the door shutting, repeated in Tom's head. And right at that moment he knew his words were wrong, he knew he had gone too far, he didn't mean it, none of it, yes you talked a lot, but really he loved it.

He never intended to hurt you, he was just stressed, and it got the better of him. And when he first started yelling, he couldn't control it, and he just kept going.

His head shot up at the sound of his phone, it was a text from you. So he quickly unlocked his phone, and went to your messages, first seeing the red hearts of your previous conversations, it felt as if something was stabbing into his chest. Hurt. The thought of him hurting you, hurt him.

He then saw the simple text from you, saying you just had gone out for a walk, and would be back before an hour had passed.

Tom never liked the idea of you walking alone on the streets at night, and you knew, that was the only reason you even texted him, so he wouldn't be as scared for you, but it didn't help him much.

He cared too much about you, he wouldn't want anything to happen to you, if you got hurt, he had no idea how he would forgive himself.


It had been about 45 minutes when he heard the door open and close. He let out a big sigh of relief now that he knew you were home and ok.

He was laying in bed, waiting for you to get home, he had thought about what he could say to you, but nothing seemed right. All he wanted was you in his arms.

He saw your figure approaching the doorway to the bedroom. You didn't say a word, as you picked up some clothes, and went into the bathroom to get ready.

After five minutes you came out, Tom couldn't help the small smile appearing on his lips, when he saw you still took on one of his shirts, just like you always did. If you wore his shirt to bed, your relationship couldn't be over.

Tom's smile dissappeared as he watched you silently get into your own side of the bed, laying down with your back facing Tom, and pulled the covers up. You never slept apart, neither in different rooms or in the same bed, you would always cuddle and lay close, always body contact so you knew each other were there. So for Tom, laying with your back facing him, would be the same pain as if you laid in a completely different bed. He needed your touch.

He considered saying something, but didn't, he wanted to move closer to you and take you in his arms, but he couldn't, there was a reason you laid away from him. But he needed your touch, and to know that you were ok, he needed reassurance that your relationship was ok.

He reached over to you and laid his hand softly on your shoulder. He could have seen what was coming next, he just didn't want to. You shifted your shoulder uncomfortably, and when Tom pulled his hand away from you, you pulled the covers all the way up over your shoulder and neck, only leaving your head out.

"Darling," Tom spoke up, but got no kind of respond from you. "I know I can be a dick sometimes, but please, I'm sorry."

He still got no response, not that he thought he would, so he continued.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm so sorry. I don't know what took over me. I didn't mean any of it." His voice was trembling, you still didn't respond, but soft sniffles could be heard from you, which broke Tom's heart.

"Please don't cry, I love you."


"Please say something, anything. Please." He begged you.

"Thought you hated it when I spoke." Tom could loud and clear hear the hurt in your voice, and he could only imagine what your face looked like, probably red eyes, bottom lip trembling, and cheeks filled with a combination of dry and wet tears.

"No. I love every single part of you, couldn't ever hate you. Never. I love your voice, I love when you speak. Your voice is so relaxing, and it helps me calm down when you whisper sweet things. And your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard." Now there could also be heard sniffles leaving Tom. "Please never stop talking."

You finally turned around to face Tom, and now he was really able to see the hurt in your eyes.

"Come here," he held his arm out for you. "Please, I love you so much." You did as said, and shifted closer toward him, and found comfort in his open arms. Tom wasted no time in hugging you tight and close to his body.

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