Chapter 11

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. I'm glad to see people are liking this story. I don't really know how good it really is but if you guys are enjoying it then I'm happy. Anyway on tot he story. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*Kingdom of Vale*

It's been about 2 days since the negotiations between the U.S., U.K., Canada, Menagerie, and Vale. The negotiations ended quite quickly as the terms of the treaty were quite favorable for all parties that were interested in it. The U.S. was even given permission to build a military base just outside of Vale's territory. The new base will act as an airstrip for cargo planes and other aircraft that will transport the materials and other goods. The U.S. and it's allies even agreed to help advance it's communication systems as well, so the new base will serve as a launch site for space ships and satellites. After the negotiations the U.S. President and Major General Evans briefed the Council members of Vale and the Commander of the Vale Military on the possibility of a second portal. The President asked for their help in finding it and the Council agreed to help. They gave the Vale Military Commander permission to cooperate with the Militaries of the U.S.A, U.K, and Canada.

Currently Derek was with Price, Ariana, Oliver, Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, and the  Vale Military Commander General Ashton Burns. They were going over details about the movements of the Pro-Remnant Movement. After all if they had C4 explosives already there's no telling what else they could have. Especially if the people who their buying this stuff from are Black Market Weapons dealers. "We've tracked the Pro-Remnant Movement to this abandoned logging camp in just outside of Vale's territory." General Burns explained pointing to the location on the map in front of them. "The Logging camp was built 10 years ago but it only lasted 4 years before the Creatures of Grimm attacked it and pretty much destroyed it." Ozpin explained and Price crossed his arms as he looks at the lay out of the camp. "There's a lot of good defensive positions at this camp. I'm sure they're aware that there's a chance we'll find out they're there. So they're going to be prepared!" Price said and Derek and Oliver nodded in agreement. "It may be hard to try and go in stealthily. We'll need to figure out our approach on this wisely!" Derek said and Price and Oliver nodded in agreement. 

They continued going over plans for the attack on the logging camp for a few hours and then everyone went there separate ways to get everything organized. Derek walked into his make shift office to and sat down in his chair with a sigh. He opened a bottom drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a glass and poured some into the cup. "Same s***, Different day." He said before downing the whiskey in the cup and then looking at all the intel they've been gathering over the past few months. As he was looking through the papers he heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" He asked and a familiar voice spoke up. "It's Ariana. Can I come in?" She asked and Derek looked up at the door. "Come in!" Derek said and she walked into the office and shut the door. Once inside she noticed the bottle of whiskey on the desk. "One of those days?" She asked and he nodded as he pulled out a second glass and held it up in the air as a way of asking if she wanted some and she nodded as she sat down. He poured some more whiskey into his glass and then poured some into her glass and then handed it to her. "Thanks." She said and he nodded. "No problem. So what brings you to my office?" Derek asked her and she took a sip of her whiskey before replying.

"Derek when I first met you I never thought you'd become one of my greatest friends and I know I can come to you when I have a problem that I need to talk to someone about." She explained and Derek nods. "So there's something you want to talk about?" He asked and she nodded. "The President said I have the option to become a U.S. Citizen but I don't know how to process the decision or if I want to abandon being a Menagerie citizen!" She said as she looked at her glass of whiskey in her hands. "I see, well you could go for a dual citizenship if you'd like to stay a Menagerie citizen." Derek explained and she looked at him with a raised an eyebrow. Dual citizenship?" She asked and Derek nodded. "It's where you're a recognized citizen of at least two separate countries." Derek explained and she nodded. "I see. Huh? I never thought you could be a citizen of two different countries!" Ariana said and Derek nodded. "Well seeing as how people move around a lot and are often marrying people from other countries it's not unheard of on Earth." Derek explained and Ariana nodded. "You can also become a citizen of a country by marriage as well!" Derek said and Ariana nodded. "Oh so if I married you I would become a U.S. Citizen by marriage, right?" She said and Derek nodded. "Yeah that's right." He said and she blushed lightly and looked at her glass again as Derek started to take another sip. "Then maybe I could become a U.S. Citizen that way instead?" She said and Derek nearly choked on his whiskey and started coughing. 

Ariana was surprised by this. "Are you okay?" She asked him and he nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. I was just surprised is all." Derek replied and she raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why's that?" She asked and Derek rubbed his cheek and looked at the stuff on his desk. "Well I just never thought you felt that way about me is all." He replied and her face developed a light tint of red. "Well I have for awhile now I guess and it's just that I didn't want to admit it, However I realized that I should be honest with myself and with you!" She said and Derek nodded and walked over to her and leaned against his desk looking at her. "Well if you're going to be honest with your feelings then I guess it's only fair for me to do the same. However if we're going to be entering a relationship with one another then I think it'll be a good idea to not let our relationship get in the way of our jobs! After all we both have big roles in building peace here." Derek said and she smiled and stood up to face him. "I can live with that." She said as she suddenly embraced him in a hug. He was surprised by this at first but then smiled and hugged her back. Well this is an interesting turn of events! Though I'm happy with it! Derek thought to himself smiling slightly.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry this chapter focused more on Derek and Ariana's relationship but I felt their relationship needed more development so I hope you guys like it. Anyway Until the next update!}

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