Chapter 8

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*Kingdom of Vale, 0448 hours*

In the council building six members of the Pro-Remnant Movement were holding the six members of the council of Vale and their secretary hostage. "Why won't you just let us go?! We don't have anything to do with this!" The secretary said through tears. "You're the ones who invited those aliens to this Kingdom! Well we don't want anything to do with them!" One of the members said and the woman just looked at the ground still sobbing. "And you think taking us hostage and acting this way will help your plans?" One of the council members said. "It's the only way for people to hear our opinion! And if you don't do what we say we'll kill all of you and take it up with your replacements!" The leader of the group said and the council member stares at him in half shock and half fear as the leader had pointed his gun at the council member's head in a threatening way. A split second later though a bullet smashed through the glass window to their right and slammed into the leader's head and he started falling to the ground already dead. Before anyone could even react a second bullet smashed through the window hitting the man with the suicide vest in the head killing him instantly. Everyone in the room were surprised by this and then were overcome by a bright flash and loud bang that followed shortly after.

*0435 hours*

Two unmarked vans were heading towards the council building. The drivers of the Vans are Vale police officers in everyday clothes to not draw attention to themselves. When they reached the building they parked in an alley way. "This is as far as we go!" The driver said looking at the soldiers in the back. "Thanks for the lift officer." Price said to him and he nodded and Price put his hand on his radio. "Archer 1-1 this is Bravo 6. We're on the X, Are your teams in position?" Price asked into the radio. "Bravo 6 this is Archer 1-1. Sniper teams are in position, Be advised we have a clear view of the hostages and tangos. The Tangos seem to be acting quite antsy and there's a possibility they may start shooting the hostages!" Archer 1-1 said. "Roger that. If they start shooting before we get there drop as many of them as you can!" Price replied into the radio. "Roger that Bravo 6!" Archer replied and then Price radioed Beacon Academy. "Clocktower this is Bravo 6. We're going in!" Price said and Ozpin replied on the radio. "Understood Bravo 6. Good luck!" Ozpin said and Price removed his hand from his radio and pulled down his gas mask. "All teams move in!" He said to them and everyone exited the vans and made their way to the gate.

They approached the gate which had a lock on it and the breacher put a pair of bolt cutters on the lock but stopped and looked at Price for confirmation. Price nodded and the breacher instantly cut the lock and they pushed the gate open and made their way into the grounds of the Council building's property. Bravo team headed to the backdoors of the building while Andrew and the Delta team headed to the side entrance, and Oliver led his team to the roof tops of the building where they got into position at the skylights above the room where the hostages are being held. The two teams that went interior slowly and methodically made their way to the room where the hostages were being held and once they reached the doors they hear Archer come on the radio. "One of them is pointing a gun at a hostage! We're going to take the shot!" Archer said and Price grabbed his radio. "Roger that Archer. We're at the doors to the room! Take out the bomber and the immediate threat and we'll breach after your shot!" Price said and Archer replied immediately. "Roger that! Taking the shot!" Archer replied and a few seconds later Price heard a bullet slam through the window

Price then immediately pulled the pin on a flashbang and after the second round went through the window Price threw the flashbang into the room and a split second later it detonated and then the three teams breached the room and pointed their weapons at the armed men. "PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN NOW!?" Price said but the four men instead started raising their weapons at them to shoot at them so Price and the others took down the four men. After they were sure that all the threats were dealt with they went over to the hostages. "Are you okay?" Andrew asked them."Yes we're fine, but who are you guys?" A council member said. "Your friends from America. Headmaster Ozpin told us what happened and we offered our help which he gladly accepted." Andrew replied and the council member nods. "I see. Thank you, I'll have to thank Ozpin for bringing you guys here." The council member replied and Andrew nodded. "Also the UK and Canada teams decided to help too." Andrew said as he freed the council members from their bindings. "I see, I see. Then we should look into creating peace with them as well!" The council member said and the other's nodded in agreement.

While Andrew was talking to the council members and ensuring they were unharmed Price and his team were making sure that everything was secure for the police evacuation team that'll be coming to escort the council members out of the building. Price looks at the body of the suicide vest wearer and then at Soap. "Oi! Soap! Make sure that bomb doesn't have a timer or anything!" Price said and Soap nodded. "On it!" He replied and went over to the vest as the cops arrived and led the council members and their secretary out of the building. Soap had noticed something about the vest but waited for the cops to leave before reporting it and once they were gone Soap looked at them. "You guys are going to want to look at this!" He said and everyone looked at him and walked over. "You guys seeing this too, Right?" Soap said as he showed everyone the vest. "You've gotta be sh***ing me!" Andrew said. "Is that what I think it is?" Oliver said. "It seems things just got more complicated fellas!" Price said and everyone nodded. "Soap secure the vest for transport. We're taking it back to Menagerie base!" Price said and Soap immediately started making sure it was safe for removal.

*Menagerie Base*

At Menagerie base everyone was gathered around the briefing table looking at the suicide vest. What they thought was a bomb vest made using dust was actually a vest using at least 10 to 12 blocks of C4 plastic explosive that shouldn't be accessible to people from Remnant. "Boss I don't like this! The options for how they got a hold of this stuff are all scenarios I don't like!" Nicholas said and Derek nodded in agreement. "I agree with you there Nick but this is something we can't ignore!" He said before looking at Lastimosa. "Lastimosa, I want you and Nick to head to the supply depot and ensure our C4 supply is as the report says it is, I'm going to go brief Evans on the current development." Derek said and Price looks at him. "You know he's in a meeting with P.O.T.U.S and the Prime Ministers right now!" Price said and Derek sighed as he nodded. "I know but it needs to be done and if I can brief them on it as well then so be it!" He replied and they nodded. Derek then headed to Major General Evan's office as Lastimosa and Nick went to investigate the supply house.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until the next update!}

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