Chapter 9

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*Menagerie Base*

Major General Evans was currently in his office talking to President Nathan Sullivan from the United States of America, Prime Minister Samuel Gregg from the United Kingdom, and Prime Minister Mark Tremblay from Canada. He was giving them a briefing of everything they've discovered so far. While they were talking though they suddenly heard a voice outside the door. General Evans recognized the voice as his assistant but he had no clue who she was talking too. "You can't go in there! He's in a meeting!" He heard her voice and he raised an eyebrow wondering who she's talking too. He soon got his answer as Major Derek Sanders opened the door despite the General's assistant's protests. Derek saluted them. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I have an urgent matter that needs to be brought to your attention sir!" Derek said and the President and the two Prime Ministers looked at each other then back at Derek. "Major Sanders now might not be a good time." Evans replied as he started standing up from his desk. "Major Sanders? Isn't that the name of the Special Forces operator assigned with threat assessment?" The President asked and Evans looked at the President. "Yes it is Mr President." Evans said and the President nodded. "Well then I'd like to hear what he has to say!" The President replied and Evans nodded. "Alright." Evans said and looked at his assistant. "Lieutenant you may return to your desk." Evans said and the assistant left and Derek shut the door and then placed a file on the table. "What's this?" Prime Minister Samuel asked. 

"A picture of the suicide vest that the hostage takers of the Vale council had." Derek replied and this intrigued Prime Minister Samuel so he picked up the file and opened it only for his eyes to go wide and he looked at Major General Evans. "General doesn't the report say that C4 doesn't exist on Remnant?" He asked and the General nodded as everyone was now looking at the vest which uses C4 plastic explosives. "That's correct Prime Minister. C4 is a type of explosive that has never been made by the people of Remnant." Evans said and the President looked at him. "Then how did a group of terrorists get this much of it?" The President asked and Derek was the one who answered. "We're already investigating that and we have two theories on how it happened." Derek replied and Prime Minister Mark looked at him. "And they are?" He asked. "Well theory one is that it was an inside job and someone smuggled some off base and into Vale. I've already sent Captain Lastimosa and First Sergeant Sanchez to investigate our supplies." Derek explained and they nodded. "Good. Now what's theory two?" The President asked.  Derek then had a grim expression on his face as he looked at them."Well seeing as how we have the gate to our world under complete lockdown with no unauthorized personnel going in or out of it and our stock is all accounted for then the only option is that this isn't the only gate that is opened to our world!" Derek said and they all nod. "I see. Well that certainly does change things!" The President said and Evans nodded. 

Suddenly Derek got a call on his cellphone and saw that it was Nick so he answered it. "Nick how'd the investigation go?" He asked. "Bad news boss. Our stock of C4 is all accounted for meaning that it's the worst case scenario!" Nick said and Derek sighed. "According to Sanchez all of our C4 is where it should be meaning we got a second gate open somewhere!" Derek explained and they all nodded. President Sullivan then stood up and looked at Derek. "Major I want you and your man to find that second gate and stop whoever is selling these weapons! Whatever you need I'll see that it get's done!" He told him and Derek nodded. "In that case then I'd like for Captain Price and his team as well as Captain Brown's team assigned to my command. I'm going to need their help!" Derek said and Prime Minister Samuel and Mark both nodded. "I'll have them transitioned here and placed under your command." Samuel said. "Same. I'll make sure it get's done!" Mark said and Derek nodded. "Then I'll be creating a Task Force to handle this mission and with your permission I'd like to recruit Huntsmen and Huntresses into the Task Force as well. I believe I'm going to need their help." Derek explained and they nodded. "Permission granted!" The President nodded and Derek saluted him. "Thank you Mr President. I'll go debrief with my team now!" Derek said saluting them before leaving. "Well this definitely makes things more difficult!" Evans said and The President nodded. "That it does. Hopefully we can get help from Vale and the people of Menagerie to help us look for the second gate." The President said and Evans nodded. 

Back at the warehouse Ariana was there talking with the others. "So the vest uses explosives from Earth?" She asked and the other operator's looked at each other not knowing if they should tell her or not. Derek sees her. "Ariana can you come over here for a minute?" Derek said and she walked over. "Hey Derek what's going on? Everyone seems to be on edge!" She said and Derek sighed. "There's a second gate on Remnant that leads to Earth!" Derek said quietly to her and her eyes go wide. "WHAT?!" She said and Derek nodded. "Yep the President has given me the mission to find it and secure it so I'm putting together a team to do so. You want in?" Derek asked her and she thought about it for a minute before nodded. "Yeah I want in! I'm not going to let the chance for Faunus to live as equals to humans go by so easily!" She said and Derek smiled and nodded. I thought you'd say that! Now then, let's get to work!" He said before walking into the warehouse with Ariana and Derek called everyone over to brief them on what happened in his meeting with Evans.

{And done with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until the next update!}

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