Chapter 5

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*Menagerie Base, Menagerie*

It was the day after Ambassador Adalhi and General Evans met with Ozpin and Taiyang at the U.S. Embassy. General Evans was currently giving Ozpin, Taiyang, and team RWBY a tour of Menagerie base. Ozpin and Taiyang were quite impressed with how well trained and disclipined the U.S. Soldiers were and how well they've adapted to working with the huntsmen and huntresses of Menagerie on dealing with Grimm attacks. General Evans was explaining the tactics the U.S. forces use when fighting the Grimm in the area. "When we get a report of a Grimm sightings or attack we work with the huntsmen by sending out a fire team and light armored vehicles to support the huntsmen. If the Grimm are larger than what they can handle we'll send out M1A3 Abrams Main Battle Tanks or AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters to support them." The General said and Ozpin nods at just how well organized they were for only dealing with Grimm for a few months now. 

Ariana walked over to team RWBY. "Blake! Hey I didn't know you were here!" She said smiling and Blake looked at her. "Oh Ariana. What are you doing here?" Blake asked. "Ariana is actually one of the several huntsmen that work with us on securing Menagerie and keeping it safe from Grimm. She often works with the Major you met yesterday." General Evans said and Blake nods. "Yeah, At first I wasn't very trusting of Derek and the other Americans but after how much they've done to help us out I have no problem with helping them anyway I can." Ariana explained and Blake nodded. "By the way Blake you never introduced me to your teammates!" Ariana said and Blake looked at her teammates. "The blonde is my partner Yang Xiao Long, This is Weiss Schnee, and this is our team leader Ruby Rose." Blake said smiling slightly while introducing her teammates to Ariana. "Girls this is Ariana Argyris, She was in the White Fang back in it's peaceful days and was always like an older sister to me and Nate." Blake explained to her teammates. "It's nice to meet you!" Ruby said smiling and Ariana smiled back. "Same to you Ruby." She said and Weiss looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You were in the White Fang?" Weiss asked and Ariana nodded. "I used to be, but when Ghira stepped down as the leader and Sienna took over I left as well because I didn't agree with her views." Ariana explained and Weiss nodded.


While General Evans and Ariana were with Ozpin, Taiyang, and team RWBY, Derek was on the part of the base where the Delta Force teams on Remnant operate from. On an official basis they aren't on the base but unofficially Delta Force has at least five active teams stationed at the base with Major Derek Sanders acting as the Field Commander for the Delta teams though Derek reports directly to Major General Evans.Currently Derek was talking to the other Delta operatives about the President's planned visit to Remnant. "We'll be working with the Menagerie Peace Officers on security. Also I was told by the General that the U.K. and Canada will be sending two teams each to help with security as well." Derek told them and Ryu looks at him. "Great! Do we know who they're sending?" He asked and Derek shook his head. "Not yet." He replied and one of the other Delta Operatives crossed his arms and looked at Derek. "We've been working hard on getting the Faunus to trust us and being willing to treat us as allies instead of enemies. The last thing we need is someone messing that up. It'll definitely look bad on us if people we call our allies come here and start causing problems." He said and Derek nodded in agreement. "I've been thinking that same thing. Creating peace between Earth and Remnant is like walking a tight rope but we've had harder jobs in the past!" Derek said and they nodded. "So when will the other team be arriving?" Andrew asked and Derek looks at him. "Tomorrow at around 1300 hours is what I heard." Derek replied and he nodded. 

"Alright back to business Gentlemen! Even with the arrival of the Canadian and U.K. teams we still have to set up security perimeters! I want all of you to look around the city for any possible places someone could set up ambushes and mark them on the map. Also locate possible sniper and counter sniper positions! Understand?" Derek said and they all nodded. "Yes sir!" They replied and Derek nods. "Good! Now get to work!" He said and the Delta operatives all headed off to do their jobs. After everyone left Derek was the only one left in the room and Derek sighed as he rubbed his temple. "I don't think I'm going to be getting much sleep for the next few weeks." He said before gathering up his stuff and headed to his office to go over security plans. 

*Back with team RWBY*

"So let me get this straight! Earth has a population of nearly 8 BILLION people? Not only that but that the entire population is only humans?" Weiss said shocked and Ariana nodded. "That's what I've been told." She said but she could tell none of the four girls could believe what she said. After all Remnant only has a population of anywhere between 80 to 100 million people at best but it isn't easy to get accurate recordings do to several towns out in the wastelands popping up and disappearing at times. So the population could easily be higher or lower than those numbers. "I know it's hard for you girls to believe but you got to remember Earth is a world where Grimm do not exist." Ariana explained and team RWBY nodded. "I guess that's true. After all Remnant's population probably would be higher than what it is if it wasn't for Grimm." Yang said and Ariana let out a sigh. "I don't know about that Yang." She said and Yang raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?" She asked and that's when Ariana explained the bloody past of the Earth and how it's had not one but two global conflicts  that had casualties in the hundreds of thousands to even millions of people dead. 

Team RWBY's faces all had grimm expressions as they heard these details. Even Ruby's cheery attitude was pushed aside by this information. "I never thought about just how much the Grimm have kept the people of Remnant from going to war with each other!" Blake said and Ariana nodded. "Yeah I know what you mean. It's also disturbing at how people can still be racist and discriminatory towards each other despite them all being the same. It makes me wonder if even the Faunus managed to eradicate humanity would it truly get rid of all the hatred? After all there's several different types of faunus! I'm sure those differences will cause problems at some point!" Ariana explained and Blake looked at the table in thought. After a minute she spoke up. "Perhaps Remnant making contact with Earth is a good thing! We could learn from their past and they can learn from ours. I know it won't be easy to get people to accept the people from Earth and for the people of Earth to accept us but I think we should do everything we can to make sure this works!" Blake said shocking Ariana at just how mature Blake has gotten since she's last seen her. "I agree with Blake! We should try to help build peaceful relations!" Weiss said and Yang and Ruby both nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled! Team RWBY's new mission is to help out anyway we can with building peace!" Ruby said standing up excitedly causing Ariana to giggle slightly. "Well you certainly have the right energy for the mission!" Ariana said smiling.

{And done with another chapter. The next chapter will be an OC request chapter. Until the next update!}

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