Chapter 6

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. I'm glad to see you guys are enjoying this story. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*Menagerie Base, Menagerie*

Ariana was with a team of U.S. Soldiers returning back to Menagerie Base. Andrew and Nicolas were with her since they were patrolling around the road between Menagerie and Menagerie Base. Their job was to cut down the Grimm population so the President's trip to Menagerie from the base will be safe and that's the job that Ariana, Andrew, and Nicolas were currently returning from. As the hummer they were in parked on the base the three of them exited the hummer and headed to debrief with Derek but as they were approaching where Derek was they saw a troop transport truck stop in front of the building and 12 soldiers climbed out of the back. "Looks like the Brits and Canadians are here!" Nicolas said with a mild tone of annoyance in his tone which Ariana noticed. "What's wrong with that? I thought you Americans were allies with them!" Ariana said and Nicolas looks at her. "We are. It's just that they might try and push their own rank over the Major and try to undermine his authority." Nicolas explained and Ariana nodded.

Andrew then noticed that one of the British soldiers looked familiar. "Hey Nicolas. Isn't that Captain Price?" He said and Nicolas looked at Andrew before looking at the guy Andrew was pointing at. "Yeah that's him all right! I guess we don't have to worry about the British team commander trying to undermine Derek." Nicolas said and Ariana raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?" She asked. "Well we can't go to much into detail because of security reasons but we've fought in combat areas with him before and him and Derek are on good terms and will listen to each other's advice and orders." Andrew explained and Ariana nodded. "I see." She replied as the three of them approached the 12 soldiers. "Captain Price! It's good to see you again!" Andrew said and Price smiled and looked at him and smiled. "Lieutenant Lawson. It's good to see you again. If you and Sanchez are here I'm guessing Major Sanders is the one we'll be working under while here!" Price said and Andrew nodded. "Yes sir. We were actually on our way to him." Andrew replied and Price nods.

Out of the 12 soldiers that arrived Captain Price was only in charge of 5 of them. The other 6 were apart of the Canada's JTF2. The leader of the JTF2 team is Captain Oliver Brown. "We were on our way to meet up with Derek now so you can follow us." Andrew explained and they nodded and headed towards the warehouse like building they were meeting in. As they were walking Oliver looks at Ariana. "Pardon Ma'am but you're from the Faunus race right?" He asked her and she nodded. "Yes. I'm a Wolf Faunus to be exact." Ariana said and Oliver nods. "I see. So then you must be Ariana. Our report said that there's a Wolf Faunus named Ariana who will be helping with keeping the Grimm away from the HVIs." He said and she nods. "Yeah that's me. From how Derek explained it I'm the go between for the U.S soldiers and my fellow huntsmen and huntresses." She explained and Oliver nods. "I see. I look forward to working with you." He replied and She smiled and nodded. "Me too." He replied and Nicolas smirked. "Ooo it seems like the Major might have competition!" Andrew said which made Price and Brown to look at him confused but Ariana blushed from the comment.

They all entered the room and Derek was at a table which has a map of Menagerie on it. "Boss we're back and our reinforcements are here!" Andrew said and Derek looked up and smiled when he saw Price. "Price! It's good to see you're still kicking. Though to be honest I think even if you did die Hell would just spit you back out!" He said smiling and Price laughed slightly as he shook Derek's hand. "It's good to see you too lad." He said and Derek then looked at the JTF2 soldiers. "Who's the CO of you 6?" Derek asked and Oliver stepped forward. "I am sir. I'm Captain Oliver Brown." Oliver said and Derek nodded. "Alright but don't call me sir. I work for a living." Derek said and Oliver smiled and nodded. "Roger that Major." Oliver replied and Derek nodded. "Right now down to business. Andrew how was the patrol?" He asked and Andrew walked over to the map and pointed at the map. "Sector 1 to 3 are secure, Sector 4 had a few Grimm sightings but they were killed pretty easily. Sector 5 however, the troops there have had a hard go with Grimm attacks but are making progress." Andrew explained. 

After about 50 minutes the debriefing finished and as Derek was walking away Price looks at him. "Derek can I talk to you?" He said and Derek nodded and the two walked over to the side. Ariana raised an eyebrow and walked to where she could eavesdrop on conversation. "What's the problem Price?" Derek asked him and he lit up a cigar and took a long pull from it and exhaled the smoke before looking at Derek. "It's not good Derek. There's a lot of people back on Earth saying we should just leave these people to deal with these beasts themselves and then there's people saying we should just nuke this world to hell. I even heard a rumor that there's a group called the Pro Earth regime that aims to keep any inhabitants from Remnant from going to Earth. So far it's just a rumor though." Price explained and Derek leaned against a nearby table. "It's always something right?" Derek said with a sigh and Price nodded. "Yeah. We should try and keep a look out for any Earth born threats to Peace while we're here too." Price said and Derek nods. "Just another day at the office right?" Derek said with a smile and Price chuckled. "That's right mate!" Price replied.


In Vale the city had just found out that their will be peace talks between Vale and an unknown country from another world called the United States of America. Because of this people were in an uproar and the city was intrigued yet afraid of what these otherworldly people will demand from them, but some didn't like the idea of these people from another world interfering with their lives and because of this some have grown violent. A group of these people were currently in an old warehouse arming themselves with weapons. "So should we go over the plan again?" One said. "Why? It's simple! We go into the council building and take the council members hostage and force them to deny those people entry into Vale!" Another said. "True. Well let's get our new toys prepared for the job!" The first one who spoke said.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until the Next Update!}

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