Chapter 12

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*12 miles outside of Vale territory near the Forever Fall Forest, 2 hours before First Light*

Six MH-6 Little Bird helicopters were flying towards a logging camp outside of Vale's territory. Five out of six of the Little Bird's had six troops each while the third was equipped wit two M134 Miniguns and two LAU-68D/A 7-tube rocket pods. They were flying a few miles ahead of Five Vale Military Bullheads which were carrying a few squads of Vale Military soldiers and several Huntsmen who volunteered to go on the mission with them. On board one of the Little Birds was the field commander of this particular mission Major Derek Sanders. "All call-signs this is Wolf 0-1! Time for a radio check!" Derek said into the radio and was almost immediately met with replies. "Bravo team checking in!" Price said. "Charlie team checking in!" Oliver said. "Metal team checking in!" Sandman said. "Anvil team checking in!" Anvil team leader said. "Sniper team 1 checking in!" Archer 1-1 said followed by the other two Green Beret Sniper teams radioing in. "Wolf 0-1 this is Astral 0-1, my teams are in position and will join your teams when the L.Z is secure!" Captain Rosenthal said. "Roger that Astral 0-1!" Derek replied. "Wolf 0-1 this is Lightning 1-1. I'm on station for weapons drop!" The F-15 pilot radioed. "Roger that Lightning 1-1!" Derek replied before radioing command. "Clocktower this is Wolf 0-1! All teams are in position waiting on the green light!" He said into the radio. "Wolf 0-1 this is Clocktower! You have the green light! I repeat You have the green light!" Clocktower replied. "Roger that Clocktower! All call-signs we have the green light! I repeat We have the green light!" Derek said.

*Two Days Earlier*

Back in the briefing room inside of Beacon Academy Derek was going over the plan for the attack on the Logging Camp. "The camp seems to have been upgraded over time. It's now surrounded by a solid stone wall and the only entrance into the camp is protected by an 7 inch thick steel gate. So the plan is that my team, Price's team, Oliver's team, and two other Delta teams will insert via MH-6 Little Birds at the gate after the Air Force blows the locked gate with a JDAM bomb." Derek said and Sandman looks at him. "After that bomb hits the whole camp is going to be on alert! What kind of support are we going to have?" He asked and Derek looked at him then at the map. "One Little Bird equipped with miniguns and rockets to cover us as we're landing then there'll be an  AC-130 to provide firing support as we push deeper into the camp!" Derek said and Sandman nodded. "What will me and my men be doing?" Captain Aiden Rosenthal of the Vale Military and Derek looks at him. "You and your men along with the huntsmen will be in Bullheads two miles behind our teams. Once we secure the area past the gate your teams will infil and help us secure the logging camp!" Derek explained and Aiden nodded. "Understood!" He said. "There's a total of 10 buildings in the camp, so once we get inside we'll split into 5 teams and each team will search two buildings each until all buildings have been searched and cleared." Derek explained and everyone nodded. After another ten minutes Derek ended the briefing and after everyone left only Derek and Ariana were left in the room  and she walked over to him. "Do you think we'll find anything of value there?" She asked him and he glanced at her as he was gathering the maps. "I sure hope so. We don't know much about these guys so any new intel will help out greatly!" Derek said and she nodded in agreement. 

*Present Day*

"Lightning 1-1 this is Archer 1-1. We have the laser on the target, just waiting for the package to be delivered." Archer said as he stared through the Laser designator which was pointed at the camp's gate. "Archer 1-1 I read you loud and clear! The package will be dropped in 30 seconds!" Lightning 1-1 said into the radio. "Roger that." He replied and he kept the laser locked on the gate. Lightning 1-1 then hit the button and the JDAM dropped from his aircraft and followed the invisible line straight to it's target. After a few  seconds the bomb hit the gate and a large explosion rocked the night sky and a large fireball raised into the air as the large metal gate was blown off it's hinges and fell to the ground. Anyone standing nearby was either killed by the explosion or crushed by the gate when it fell. Just as the camp's alarms started going off the 5 MH-6 Little Birds landed outside the walls of the Camp near the gate and the five teams got off the Little Birds and moved to the gate and started returning fire on the Pro-Remnant Movement members who were arriving to defend the camp from the attackers.

"Wolf 0-1, Lightning 1-1. I'm RTB. Warhammer will be in the AO in 5 mikes(minutes)!" Lightning 1-1 said. "Roger that Lightning 1-1. Thanks for opening the door for us!" Derek replied. "Anytime 0-1!" Lightning 1-1 replied as he exited the AO. Derek then looked at Price, Oliver, Sandman, and Anvil's team leader. "Alright everyone push into the camp! The sniper teams will give us support." Derek said and everyone headed into the camp fighting their way through the members of the Pro-Remnant Movement. "Astral 0-1 we have the gates secure. Your team is cleared to land." Derek said. "Roger that Wolf 0-1. We're landing now." Captain Rosenthal replied and just as the Bullheads started landing a new voice came onto the radio. "Wolf 0-1 this Warhammer. We've entered the AO and are ready to engage targets of opportunity." The comms operator of the AC-130 said. "Roger that Warhammer. We'll push in after you clear the area in front of us!" Derek said and Warhammer's gunners started targeting the enemies in front of them. "Roger that Wolf 0-1." Warhammer replied. Just as 40mm shells from the AC-130 started to slam into the ground in front of them the Vale Military Bullheads landed and the troops and Huntsmen ran into the fray and joined the Delta, SAS, and JTF 2 teams behind cover. "Well it seems we're inside the camp Major!" Captain Rosenthal said and Derek nodded. "Yeah but we've got a long way to go to secure this place." Derek replied and Captain Rosenthal nodded. Ariana moved over to where Derek was and took up cover beside him. "The real fight starts now, right?" She said to him and he nodded. "All teams move up!" He said and rose up from behind cover and started opening fire on the enemies with his M4 Carbine as everyone started pushing forward into the camp. The Earth's first real firefight against inhabitants of Remnant has officially begun!

{And done with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until the next update!}

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