Chapter 13

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*12 miles outside of Vale's territory, 1 Hour 20 minutes till First Light*

Currently Derek was leading an attack on the Logging Camp with his fellow Delta Force members, SAS, JTF 2, the Vale Military, and several Huntsmen and Huntresses. They were supported by an AH-6 Little Bird armed with miniguns and rockets for close air support and an AC-130 to engage heavily defended areas. As they pushed deeper into the Logging Camp they started to split into 5 teams to search the buildings in the camp, but as Derek was taking his team to one of their assigned buildings they started taking machine gun fire from a watch tower nearby forcing them to take cover behind a pile of old logs leftover from when the camp was still operational. "Buzzsaw 2-2 we're pinned down by a machine gun in the tower. Can we get a little help with it?" Derek said to the pilots of the Little Bird. "Roger that Wolf 0-1. We'll take care of it!" Buzzsaw 2-2's pilot said and headed towards the tower and they fired two rockets from their rocket pods both impacting the tower and blowing it to pieces. "Thanks for the help 2-2!" Derek said into the radio but before anyone else could say anything else several RPG-7 rockets soared through the air towards Buzzsaw 2-2. The pilots managed to dodge the first two but he third slammed into the engine cowling causing the engine to shut off. Since the pilots lost the engine they had a hard time avoiding the fourth RPG which slammed into the tail boom causing the AH-6 to spin out of control. "All callsigns this is Buzzsaw 2-2 we're hit and going down! I repeat we're hit and going down!" The pilots said and a few seconds after the pilot said that a loud crash was heard as the AH-6 Little Bird crashed by the gate directly in sight of enemy fire. 

"S*** Boss! That's not good!"  Ryu said and Derek nodded. "Clocktower Buzzsaw 2-2 is down. I repeat Buzzsaw 2-2 is down. My team is going to move in and secure the pilots and we'll wait for the Ranger Q.R.F(Quick Reaction Force)!" Derek said and Clocktower immediately responded. "Roger that Wolf 0-1! Hunter 2-1 will be there in 10 mikes(Minutes)!" He replied and Derek then directed his attention to the crash site. "Attention all Callsigns continue with the mission! My team will secure the crash site and keep the pilots secure until the Rangers arrive. Be aware they have RPGs!" Derek radioed to them and was met with confirmations from the other teams. One of the Vale Military officers who were under Captain Rosenthal looked at Derek. "Sir what about securing the buildings?" He asked Derek. "The life of those pilots come first! We'll complete the mission once they're out of danger!" Derek replied as he then started heading to the crash site. This left the Officer in shock as one of his men and one of the Huntsmen walked up to him. "Well I wasn't expecting that." The soldier said and the officer nodded. "I was expecting them to act like the Atlas Military guys but this is quite surprising." The Huntsmen said and Ariana walked over. "That's just how these people are. They care about all their men and will even go through great lengths to retrieve the bodies of their fallen comrades. I've seen them do it a few times." Ariana said and they nodded.

Derek's team got to the crash site and saw that one pilot was laying on the ground a few feet from the wreckage and the second was still in the cockpit. " Andrew, Nick! With me! Everyone else cover us!" Derek yelled as him, Andrew, and Nicholas headed to the wreckage and the pilots. The rest of them started firing at the enemies trying to get close to them. "Andrew check his vitals while we get the other pilot out of the cockpit!" He said and Andrew nodded and started checking the vitals of the pilot who was laying on the ground as Derek and Nicholas started getting the other pilot out of the crashed AH-6's cockpit. When they got to him  they could see he was bleeding from a possible head injury, so they carefully got him out of the cockpit and moved him to a spot where he wouldn't be hit by any stray rounds. Andrew ran over and started checking his vitals. "The other pilot is alive but he seems to be unconscious." Andrew said briefing them on the condition of the other pilot. "The QRF should be here soon. We'll provide cover until they get here." Derek said and Andrew nodded and Derek and Nicholas ran over to the others and started providing covering fire for Andrew. "How are the pilots boss?"Ryu asked and Ariana glanced over to hear what he said. "One's unconscious and the other is pretty banged up but seems to be alive. We just need to cover them until the Rangers arrive." Derek replied and they nod. "What about calling Warhammer for support?" Ariana asked and Derek shook his head. "That's a no go right now. The other teams need Warhammer's assistance at the moment. We'll only call for support if we really need it!" Derek explained and Ariana nodded.

After what seemed like an eternity the Ranger QRF arrived. It consisted of two M2A4 Bradlwy Fighting Vehicles and about three MRAP Armored Trucks. All three of the MRAPs were equipped with an M2 Browning .50 cal machine gun and the gunners started laying suppressing fire on targets that the Bradley's weren't engaging with their 25mm chain guns. The injured pilots were treated by medics from one of the MRAPS and then was loaded into one of them. Then that MRAP and one of the Bradleys headed out of the Logging Camp. After the Pilots were clear Derek reached into his bag and pulled out a smoke grenade like canister but it was red. He pulled the pin on the grenade and ran over to the crashed Little Bird and threw it into the cockpit and ran back to get clear of the detonation.  The grenade exploded and the whole cockpit was engulfed in flames. He then regrouped with the others. "Alright we'll push up with help from the Rangers and they'll provide support as we clear the buildings. They do have RPGs so keep a look out for anyone carrying one!" Derek said and everyone nodded. Derek then looked at the Ranger's squad leader. "Sergeant, Rangers lead the way!" Derek said and the Ranger Sergeant smiled. "Hoo-Ah Major! Alright Rangers! You heard the Major! Push Forward!" He yelled to his men and they started pushing forward with the remaining vehicles slowly moving forward to provide support for them. They made it to the first building and went up to the door. "Nick get the breaching charge ready!" Derek said and he nodded and placed the door charge on the door.

Nicholas then detonated the charge and the door was blown open and the first to enter was the Vale Military officer but just as he entered he was hit in the chest by a bullet fired from an AK-47 being used by one of the Pro-Remnant Movement. He fell to the ground and groaned in pain Derek and one of the Huntsmen went into the room and took down the enemy and Andrew checked on the officer. "The Vest we gave you seemed to have stopped the bullet and it seems your aura absorbed the force of the impact so I don't think you'll have any serious injuries." Andrew said and the officer nodded. Derek and his team then proceeded to clear the building and after they finished clearing it they moved to the next building and cleared it as well, but neither of the buildings had anything valuable in them. "I sure hope this op isn't going to be bust boss!" Nicholas said and Derek nodded in agreement when suddenly Price came onto the radio. "Wolf 0-1 it's Bravo 6, you copy?" Price said and Derek put his hand on his radio. "I read you Bravo 6. What do you got?" Derek asked. "We've secured our second building and......... Well I think you should see it for yourself Wolf." Price replied and Derek raised an eyebrow confused. "Roger that. We're on our way!" Derek replied and took his hand off his radio. "I wonder what they found boss?" Ryu asked and Derek looks at him. "I'm not sure so how about we go find out?" He replied and they nodded.

The camp had now been pretty much secured and all the Pro-Remnant Movement members in the camp have either been K.I.Aed(Killed In Action) or captured. Derek and his team walked up to the last building Price's team was assigned to capture. It was easily the largest building in the camp and the furthest back as well. Once they got to the building Price was outside waiting for them. "So Price what was it that you wanted to show us?" Derek asked and Price had a hard to read expression on his face as he looks at him. "Derek our job is a lot more harder then we thought it was." Price said as he walked into the large storage building. Derek raised an eyebrow confused and followed him into the building. "What do you mean?" Derek asked and Price hit a button on a power panel. "Just take a look." He said as the lights turned on in the storage building and Derek's jaw dropped when he saw what was inside the building. "We're going to need more help with this!" Derek said and Price nodded in agreement. "That we do mate! That we do!" Price replied as he looked at the 8 T-72 Main Battle Tanks, 6 BTR Armored Personnel Carriers, 6 BMP 2 Light Armored Vehicle, 3 MI-24 Helicopters, and dozens upon dozens of crates filled with rifles and rocket launchers.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until the chapter!}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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