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{A/n: Hey everyone this is a new story idea I want to work on. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY!}

*May 8th 2027, Fort Bragg, North Carolina*

It's been nearly one month since the blood bath in New York City. Currently on the U.S Army Base named Fort Bragg four men from the U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta also known as Delta Force were sitting in a briefing room. The man closest to the front has brown hair and hazel eyes with a well trimmed beard and mustache, He has a light tan complexion and is wearing an Army uniform. He is Major Derek Sanders and is the commanding officer of Delta Force team Wolfpack. The guy next to him has dark skin and clean cut black hair and brown eyes, He's also wearing a U.S. Army uniform and is Wolfpack's translator and medic. He is First Lieutenant Andrew Lawson.  One of the two guys behind them looked to be of Asian decent and has brown hair and brown eyes, He's the shortest member of Wolfpack but is also the team's scout and sniper. His name is First Sergeant Ryu Miyamoto. The last guy is a mix between Hispanic and Caucasian decent and he has black hair and blue eyes, he is the team's Heavy weapon's expert and demolition expert. His name is First Sergeant Nicolas Sanchez.

Suddenly a fifth man entered the room and he was clearly a high ranking officer and had the rank of Major General. The four men instantly stood up and saluted the General. "At ease Gentlemen!" He said and the four men sat down. "As you are all aware the President has authorized the military to inspect the other side of the portal. You four have been chosen to go through and scout the other side. So far drones we sent through have brought back samples and it seems the world is very similar to ours Atmospherically speaking." The General said as the four men listened to him. "There's still no telling exactly how dangerous it will be on the other side of that portal so I won't blame any of you for speaking up about not going!" He said as he looked at the four men to see if any of them would back out, but none of them did. The General nods. "Very well." He then continued on with the briefing and what the Rules of Engagement were for them on the other side. Such as they weren't aloud to engage anyone unless they attack first. Also they were to try and establish peaceful relations with the people of the other side if possible. 

*A Few Days Later*

It's been about two to three days since the briefing and Wolfpack was now heading through the portal. Each one was on an ATV loaded with supplies and equipment for their mission. Derek looks at his team as they sat in front of the portal on their ATVs. "You fellas ready?" Derek asked and they all nodded. "Hell Yeah Major. Let's get this party started!" Andrew said and Derek nodded. The four of them then drove through the portal. It took them what seemed like 15 minutes to drive through it and once they were through they were in a forest. Derek stopped and looked around. "A forest huh?" Derek said. "It's a good thing we came on ATVs and not in a truck or else we probably wouldn't have been able to get through here!"Ryu said and Andrew nods. "Yeah that would have sucked." Andrew said. "Alright enough chit chat! Let's get our mission started!" Derek said and the three of them nodded. 

"There's a river over there sir! If we follow it we might find a town or something!" Andrew said and Derek nodded. "Alright. Then let's follow the river!" Derek said and then the four of them headed off into the direction the river was flowing. After about 20 minutes they heard what sounded like a girl screaming. "You guys hear that?" Nicolas said. "Yeah! That sounded like a child! We better check it out!" Derek said and the four of them drove off in the direction of the scream and when they got there they saw a human looking woman with silver hair and red eyes but the most unique thing about her was that she had wolf ears and she also had a strange sword that turns into a gun fighting off those black creatures. The wolf eared woman was defending what looked like a young girl and a man. Both the man and the young girl have cat ears. The man also seemed to be wounded. "They're not going to last long with out help sir!" Ryu said and Derek nodded. "Agreed. Let's help them out!" Derek said and then the four of them drove right towards them and as they got closer Derek saw one charging the little girl and the injured man so he sped up and rammed his ATV into it sending it flying. Derek then climbed off his ATV and started firing his M4 carbine at the black wolf creatures. "SQUAD!? Diamond formation!" Derek yelled and the other three Delta Operators surrounded the woman, the injured man, and the child and started firing their guns into the wolf creatures. 

"Who the hell are you guys?!" The woman asked Derek. "Now's not the time for talk. We can talk after these things are dead!" Derek yelled over the sounds of battle and the wolf eared woman reluctantly nodded in agreement and started killing the wolf creatures. Soon though the surviving members of the wolf creatures fled deeper into the forest. "They're gone for now, but I suggest we get out of here before they come back." Derek said. "That's a good idea but I should stop his bleeding before we go or else he'll bleed out sir!" Andrew said and Derek nodded. "Good idea." Derek said but before the conversation could go any further the woman pointed her sword at Derek glaring at him. "I don't know what you HUMANS are doing on Menagerie but you should leave! This is no place for humans!" She said glaring at Derek. Derek then held his hands up in a non threatening way. "Look ma'am I don't know exactly what the history of this place is but if that man doesn't get medical help he'll die. I don't want that to happen and I'm sure you don't either. I have a medic with me so would you allow him to tend to his injuries and we can talk while he's doing that!" Derek said trying to reason with the woman who stayed quiet for a few seconds before nodding. "Fine. But I'm watching you Humans!" She said and Derek nodded and looked at Andrew and motioned for him to tend to the man. He then looked at Ryu and Nicolas. "You two take up security! I don't want to get jumped by those things!" Derek said and Ryu and Nicolas and they took up guard duty. 

Derek looks at the woman who was glaring at him. "So who are you humans?" She asked. "You can call me Derek. May I ask what your name is?" Derek asked. "You can call me Ariana." She replied and Derek nods. "Now tell me Derek. Why are you here?" Ariana asked glaring at him still. "Well you see we're not from this world actually! We came here to investigate after a portal opened up in a city in our world!" Derek explained and Ariana raised an eyebrow. "Do you honestly think I'm going to believe that?" She asked and Derek shrugged. "Well I understand it's hard to believe, trust me i felt the same way but the fact that nearly 20,000 people died shows it's not a dream." Derek said with a sad expression and Ariana's face instantly went from anger to shock. "20,000?" She said and Derek nods. "Yeah. The portal opened in one of the biggest cities in my country and hundreds of things like those black creatures came swarming through and turned the city into a blood bath!" Derek explained and Ariana nods realizing that he may be telling the truth. "I'm sorry. You see the people of Menagerie have all been mistreated by the humans of this world and because of this Faunus are often very suspicious of humans." Ariana explained and Derek nodded. "Hey Derek. This guy can be moved now!" Andrew said and Derek nods and looked at Ariana. "He won't die now but he still needs medical attention. We can give you guys a ride back to town." Derek said and Ariana nods. "Alright." She replied and they loaded up the injured man onto one of the ATVs then Derek looks at Ariana. "You can ride with me and the girl can ride with another of my team." He told her and she nods. "Alright." Ariana said and helped the girl onto one of the ATVs and then got onto Derek's ATV and then they headed to the town.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Until the next chapter!}

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