episode 1 part 5: the art of love

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last time on love island:

"guys please welcome ... dakota milton and alejandro burromerto."

"so yeah.. i'm going to stir a little bit of trouble so what? all in the name of the game."

"these love island nerds better watch out because the new guy is going all~ the way to the top!"


everyone either stared in awe or disbelief as the two new islanders walked over. alejandro winking towards bridgettes end who instantly blushed.

[confessional w/ bridgette]

"is it hot in here or..."

[confessional ended]

"now if we all remember the rules everyone get into groups." blaineley declared.

the islanders scattered around until everyone was in groups of four.

"okay so group one we have... justin, courtney, bridgette and dj" blaineley announced.

[confessional w/ courtney]

"my group is great! excluding justin."

[confessional ended]

"then we have group two... geoff, gwen, heather and duncan." blaineley annouced again

[confessional w/ gwen]

"leshawna warned me about heather and i'm taking her word for it.. don't want to get on that girls bad side."

[confessional ended]

"our third group is... tyler, lindsay, leshawna and noah"

[confessional w/ leshawna]

"although i don't trust that heather girl i'm still going to continue the friendship pact i have with her and lindsay. besides that blonde chick doesn't  seem too bad."

[confessional ended]

"and our last group is... cody, sierra, alejandro and dakota!"

[confessional w/ cody]

"i'm not too sure how i feel about this group.. at least sierras nice."

[confessional ended]

"now that everyone's grouped up let's begin the first challenge! one person in your group has to paint a portrait of someone in your group and if one of you are able to guess correctly you earn a point. team with the most points win!" blaineley explained.





"ooh! ooh! i'll paint!  i loveee painting!" lindsay declared as she picked the paint brush.

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