episode 2 part 1: morning chaos

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beep! beep! beep! beep!

the alarm rang across the entire villa, alerting all the islanders it was the next morning.

over the loud ringing you could hear the morning groans escaping each islanders mouths as they got out of bed.

"how do you turn this darn thing off?!" duncan seethed as he blocked his ears.

"no idea! but hurry up my ears can't take this!" leshawna yelled.

nodding his head duncan grabbed one of heathers curling irons and whacked it across the alarm.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" heather screamed as she jumped out of bed.

"turning the alarm off." the punk shrugged.

"this! is my curling iron!" she stated with greeted teeth.

he shrugged again. "well it worked."

heather scrunched her eyebrows together to the point where her veins nearly popped out.

"it's okay heath! i have loads of curling irons you can borrow!" lindsay offered as she brought the asian into a warm hug.

"thank you lindsay, at least someone has manners here." she said as the two girls walked out of the shared bedroom.

[confessional w/ heather]

"oh my god! i hate it here, i had to share a bed with that toad. and then he broke my curling iron. this is why girls are better than boys!— not in that way obviously- i-i'm straight!"

[confessional end]

courtney, who had made the decision the night just passed to sleep on the couch, was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast when she heard the commotion upstairs.

"can't wait to get this whole thing over with" she whispered as she cracked open an egg into the pan.

watching the egg yolk sizzle accompanied with the yelling still going on courtney had somehow managed to drift into sleep before catching herself.

man, why was the couch so uncomfortable?!. she thought to herself.

[confessional w/ courtney]

"sleeping on the couch seemed like the obvious decision since i was paired up with- justin. but.. now it's coming back to haunt me."

[confessional ended]

"ooh do i smell food?" a voice said

"it's probably dj cooking us a storm." another voice followed

"you do realise i'm right next to you."

"oh, right!"

the three voices had made their way downstairs to where courtney was still preparing her meal.

geoff, tyler and dj.

"oh~ it's mocha!" geoff cheered

"mocha?" courtney questioned looking up at the three boys.

"well your making a mocha there aren't you?"

dj slapped his own hand against his forehead.

"this?" courtney asked. "this is a smoothie."

geoffs eyes widened in surprise, "oh it is. uh- well i'll still call you mocha is that alright mocha?"

[confessional w/ courtney]

"i have a feeling i have no say in that question"

[confessional ended]

it had been a really slow morning, as if everyone had forgotten about the show they were own. despite cameras being all around the villa.

by now everyone had practically gotten ready for the morning and were making small talk.

leshawna was hanging with dj and cody outside the pool area, lindsay and heather had banned all the rest of the girls from entering the makeup room as they pampered themselves up, courtney was discussing with bridgette about what the next challenge may be, duncan was with tyler and alejandro, sierra seemed to be eavesdropping on multiple conversations and the rest were all just wandering around.



"omg! guys i got a text!" dakota yelled out.


hello islanders,

i hope you all have had a wonderful morning- especially to dakota and alejandro who are new to our crew!

now, today's challenge we'll be joined by a world-known fitness instructor valentina escobar or otherwise known as "macarthur"

make sure you change into something fitting because you'll be doing a couples yoga challenge!


"oh shi-

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