episode 1 part 4: new arrivals

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last time on love island:

"ohmygod this is niceeee!"

"sweet phones! let's take a selfie d-man. i can call you that right? cool cheese!" geoff said as he snapped a photo of him and duncan."

"we're gonna be best friends i know it!"

"keep your friends close and your enemies closer."


it had been about an hour or two and the islanders had mostly settled in, many claiming beddings and dj was already cooking something in the kitchen.

a few islanders hadn't yet gotten comfortable though.

[confessional w/ gwen]

"okay so i still hate this. i'm just— not as pretty as the other girls here and i feel really out of place. at least sierras been nice but i don't know. i have a feeling i'm not going to last long here."

[confessional ended]

"yo sugar what's got you down so early in the game?" a voice called out to gwen as she sat down beside her.

it was leshawna.

"oh hey. nothing really, just don't feel all too comfortable right now." gwen replied

"hunny stand up."


"girl stand up look at you, your hot. trust me guys love your pale ass." leshawna said with a laugh

gwen laughed back.

[confessional w/ gwen]

"you know what? it's not too bad here

[confessional ended]

"piece of advise by the way.. don't get too close to heather. i don't trust her at all." leshawna said.

"noted." gwen said with a nod.


bridgette and courtney were currently lounging out outside by the pool chatting away, they were almost unable to see another person approaching them.



ran all the way...




"oh my god, spit it out justin!"

justin, who was still trying to catch his breath. had come to courtney after seeking noah's advise

[confessional w/ justin]

"noah's as a smart guy. he doesn't have the beauties. but you can't have everything, like me."

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