episode 1 part 3: the villa

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last time on love island:

"now that you all are coupled up you're free to roam around and check the villa out."


the fourteen islanders all split up and started checking out the villa, as instructed by blaineley of course.

the villa wasn't overly big but it was definitely in the glimpse of a mansion. a big pool was out the back where the coupling parings had just happened, followed by some lounge chairs and grass areas.

bridgette, dj and courtney were the first ones to enter the inside of the villa.

"ohmygosh! this is niceee" bridgette admired as they stepped into the kitchen, dj and courtney silently agreed as they explored the other rooms.

[confessional w/ dj]

"man is this great! did you see that kitchen? a boy can dream, right mama? love ya and miss you i'll be home soon"

[confessional ended]

in another area of the villa duncan and geoff had just discovered the bedroom. one bedroom was to be shared by everyone, there were 7 beds as each couple was expected to sleep with each other. though there were two couch beds in a separate room incase needed.

"score one man! you had to have picked the hottest chick there." geoff boasted as duncan rolled his eyes.

"i thought for sure dude you would've picked the beach babe." duncan teased as geoffs eyes widened in shock.

[confessional w/ geoff]

"there was a beach babe?! dude. i really should've listened to my bro and get those glasses. but it's still sweet man, gwen seems chill and either way we're gonna party on!"

[confessional ended]

"wait dude! these pillows have our names on it." geoff said as he picked a pillow which had cursive letters that's spelt 'geoff' engraved onto it

suddenly a ding came from each islanders back pocket.


hello islanders you'll also have these phone devices on you, they'll send you important informations like camp fire eliminations, re-coupling, challenges, dates etc. those pillows on your bed indicates which bed is yours, and please don't lose them budgets are tight.

have a nice day islanders

- blaineley andrews <3


"sweet phones! let's take a selfie d-man. i can call you that right? cool cheese!" geoff said as he snapped a photo of him and duncan.


lindsay, leshawna and heather had discovered the girls makeup area. practically a room filled with vanity's and makeup products- all of which was the same sponsored brand.

"uh they don't have my favourite lip gloss here. just this tacky branding one!" lindsay complained as she continued snooping through the makeup collections.

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