episode 1 part 6: lights out

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last time on love island:

"alejandro's team wins!"

"and as your reward alejandros team you are going to be having a double date together in our world class diner!!"


leshawna and dj were currently in the kitchen preparing dinner for those who didn't win the challenge from earlier

"i really could've used that dinner tonight, imagine the food dj!" leshawna boasted

"yeah.. i would've loved to check out that diner. but hey! my mamas recipe is delicious so no need to worry, no ones going to be left hungry today." dj responded as he carried out the plates of food to the others.

dj handed the first two plates to lindsay and heather who were searing across from each other on the pristine black couch.

leshawna then gave courtney her meal who was sitting on the love seat by herself while justin was constantly asking her questions.

"uh justin are you gonna take the food or what i've been standing here for ages!" leshawna yelled

"oh no too many carbs i'll be fine." justin said as he winked cashing leshawna to blush and walk over towards gwen.

courtney rolled her eyes at this

[confessional w/ courtney]

"please these girls are way to sucked in by egotistical men like justin! ... and that's why i'm winning this competition i have the upper hand, i'm not going to fall for any of these bafoons and i can promise you that."

[confessional ended]

the screen then panned over to duncan who was leaning onto the wall as he chatted to geoff, the two were already bros on this villa and had vowed for an alliance.

but because of this it meant their partners also had to join in on this alliance and well... the girls didn't get along.

[confessional w/ geoff]

"yeahhhhh so~ gwen and heather. uh, don't get along. it's cool though dudes this alliance can still work! whoo hoo!"

[confessional ended]

bridgette was over on the other end talking to leshawna and gwen as she took a sip of her soda water.

"so. how's dj?" gwen asked

"oh uh.. well he's super sweet and nice but- at the moment we don't really have any romantic attractions. but it's alright we've decided to keep things civil. plus i kinda have my eyes on someone." bridgette answered

"oh really girl who? do tell!" leshawna asked excitedly

"uh-oh-um-no-yh-um-" bridgette stammered

"come on you can trust us we're not heather." gwen said as her and leshawna laughed, although bridgette didn't get the joke.

[confessional w/ bridgette]

"how am i supposed to say i have a teeenie crush on geoff. when gwen is. dating. him! i cant say that!"

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