episode 2 part 3: live laugh yoga

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previously on love island:

trent mccord everyone!" blainely exclaimed.

"yeah i'm definitely about to stir some things up here"

"AND THATS OUR ROUND ONE WINNER! gwen and geoff congratulations your on one point!"


as geoff's cheering died down blainely showcased the next yoga pose.

the partners on the screen were faced away from each other with their heels around six inches apart. they were folded forward and their hands were behind their legs and gripped onto the others shins.

heather had a face glistening with confidence as she folded her arms around.

[confessional w heather]

oh please i did cheerleading in highschool i got this!"

[confessional ended]

duncan groaned and attempted to recreate the pose, "curse my short legs!" he swore while heather got more and more agitated with him.

leshawana and noah were arguing over in the corner and the camera panned over to them.

"we're here to complete a challenge! get in the pose!" leshawana exclaimed, using her hands and body language to showcase her frustration.

noah just rolled his eyes with his arms crossed, "i didn't sign up for this show, im not doing some sucky yoga challenge."

"oh you. are doing it."

"make me."

[confessional w/ noah]

uh lesson learnt i guess. leshawana will make you.

[confessional ended]

blainely cheered into her microphone at the painful success of team leshawana and noah, leshawana looking very smug whilst noah almost looked traumatised.

"give it up for our round two winners: noah and leshawana!!" blainely roared.

[confessional w/ courtney]

ugh! i am sick of losing, i may have justin as my partner but if leshawana can somehow get noah to complete a challenge i can definitely do the same with him. plus i have trent also, there should be no reason for failure!

[confessional ended]

with looks of disappointment from the rest of the group blainely once again presented a new image.

"for your final round of couples yoga challenge this is worth two points! so the couple who wins will be granted first place for this challenge!" blainely stated.

the image shown was an image of a man laying on his back with his legs up in the air, the women also shown in the image was elevated in the air being supported by the mans feet.

blainely announced for them to start and each couple frantically began attempting the pose.

with a new found determination since anyone was now in the running for winning people began tumbling over due to rushing and moving too quickly.

sierra was in position like the man in the photo was and plastered with a huge smile, "cody we got this! i'm like a total yoga master."

cody awkwardly laughed and tried to levitate himself but fell almost immediately.

[confessional w/ cody]

in case you haven't noticed. i don't exactly have great upper body strength. or strength in general.

[confessional ended]

courtney's group was also failing, justin refused to corporate and trent was surprisingly very uncoordinated.

blainely watched as 3 groups in particular were neck and neck.

dakota & alejandro, bridgette & dj and tyler & lindsay.

[confessional w/ blainely]

ooh these confessionals are fun! anyways, i know big shocker with lindsay and tyler. could they be the ones to score the winning points? find out next time. mwah

[confessional ended]


hi guys holy shit. tell me why it's been over a year since i last updated. june 6 2021 was when the chapter before was published and it is now omg wait it's literally june 6 2022 wtaf i didn't even realise till right now. anyways so sorry for legit taking a whole year to update- can't promise how soon the next chapter would be but hope you enjoyed! <3333

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