episode 2: part 2: yoga for 2?

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last time on love island:

"i hope you all have had a wonderful morning- especially to dakota and alejandro who are new to our crew!

now, today's challenge we'll be joined by a world-known fitness instructor valentina escobar or otherwise known as "macarthur"

make sure you change into something fitting because you'll be doing a couples yoga challenge!"


everyone had gathered outside where blainely was standing, as directed by the text they received.

they had all changed into athletic and more flexible clothing and were as ready as they'd ever be to start this challenge.

"hello islanders" blainely said cheerfully, "as much as i'd absolutely love to start this challenge straight away without any unnecessary plot twists. we all know that's not what i do"

the group of young adults all gazed towards one another in confusion.

[confessional w/ leshawna]

"oh come on! what is it now blainely?"

[confessional ended]

"at the end of today. one of you. WILL. be going home tonight." blainely announced.

"but that isn't much of a shocker since we expected this. so i have to introduce. a new player into the game." blainely said.

[confessional w/ gwen]

"are you kidding me?! we just got two new people!"

[confessional ended]

[confessional w/ dj]

"new friends! ....yay?"

[confessional ended]

[confessional w/ duncan]

"we've had one new chick come in and one new guy come in. i don't know who this person could be."

[confessional ended]


trent mccord everyone!" blainely exclaimed.

the camera panned over to where the man was walking down from, he had black hair and was styled in a dark green shirt.

"oh my god! wait thats—-

[confessional w/ lindsay]

"oh my gosh!! i know him! i say that with a lot of people because sometimes i mistake them with my uncles cousin, but that's travis, he's famous! i listen to his songs... well sometimes! but i know him!"

[confessional ended]

"trent mcord, who some of you might recognise. he's 23 and a single song writer who's been in the industry since he was 16!" blainely stated.

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