Right Here, Right Now

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   "Harry, wake up, love." I intertwined my fingers with his. "I will go and try to cook and burn the whole house down, I swear to god. Wake. The. Hell. UP!"

    He remained motionless, so I grabbed my pillow and began to hit him with it. He groaned and pushed the pillow away. "Piper, what are you doing?" He asked in his raspy, morning voice. 

   "Well, you wouldn't wake up. And I'm hungry." I giggled, pushing my nose into his cheek. "I wuv you, Hazza boo."

   "I love you, too. I'm just glad you're back." Harry sighed, looking over at me. His eyes looked tired, like he had been awake all night. 

   I frowned, becoming silent. When I had left, I had went and stayed in a hotel. I had freaked out and I knew I couldn't stay away from Harry. It hurt to be with him, but it hurt to be without him. "I'm sorry, Harry. I felt like you hated me..I'm so sorry for hurting you. And I couldn't leave you even if I tried. I'm far too in love with you now.."

   "It's alright." Harry smiled, looking up at me. "You know I would never hate you. No matter what you do, I will always love you forever. And we'll make it through this..I'll pay for all your treatments. When's your surgery, anyways?"

  "In three days." I frowned, looking down at my hands. "I know you'd do that for me, but it's a 50/50 chance. No matter what treatments I have, there's still I chance I could die.."

  "You're strong enough, love." Harry placed his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead. "I'll be there for you, alright? I'll stay in the hospital until the surgery's over, and if anything terrible does happen, I'll be by your side holding your hand. I'll protect you.''

   "I love you, Harry. I'm glad you saved me from Kendall, and I'm glad I met you." I leaned my forehead against his and closed my eyes.

   "I would never just leave you there." Harry promised. "Now, are you still hungry? I can make you pancakes."

   "Yay!" I smiled, pulling him out of bed. "Pancakes are yummy. Oh, and we can put a lot of syrup on them!"

   "Calm down, Piper." Harry chuckled, hoisting me onto his back and carrying me into the kitchen. I giggled, laying my head on his shoulder. He sat me down on the counter and started making the pancakes. "Do you want chocolate chips with it?"

  "Yes!" I smiled. I watched him make the food. His hair was still wild, since he didn't brush it when he woke up. I reached over, brushing a curl out of his face. "I love your curly hair."

  ''And I love you." Harry smiled, handing me my plate. I blushed and followed him to the table, sitting my plate down. I poured syrup all over the pancakes, and began eating.

  "Why don't you ever put syrup on yours?" I asked Harry. He shrugged, and continued eating. "You're a weirdo."

   "I know. So are you." Harry teased. I giggled, finishing my pancakes. I sat my plate in the sink and walked back over to Harry.

   "I'm scared." I admitted, sitting back down. He wiped his mouth before looking up at me, confusion on his face.

   "Scared of what, love?" He asked me, walking over to the sink and putting his plate beside mine.

   "The surgery..what if something goes wrong?" I bit my lip, trying not to cry. I looked down at the ground. Suddenly, I felt a much larger hand close around mine.

   "I won't let anything go wrong. I'll be right there, okay? If you ever need me I'll be there." Harry promised, kissing my lips lightly. ''You're my everything. I'll even call Simon and ask if he can start tour a couple days late. Or maybe you can come with us."

   "Okay.." I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and Harry wiped it away. "I'm sorry, Harry. Thank you for doing all this.''

   "You don't need to thank me for loving you. I will love you forever, even if you don't want me to. You are my world, baby girl." Harry hugged me tight, and I knew I could trust him. "Don't ever think you're not worth my time, because you are. You are worth every second of my life, and we'll grow old together. We'll tell our grandchildren the crazy stories, like Mr. Pancake, and I'll always be in love with you. And one day, I want to marry you. I want you to finally be Piper Styles."

   I stayed silent, knowing I couldn't come up with a sweeter responce. I let my tears soak his shoulder as I clung to him. "Don't let me go."

   "I won't." He said, his arms wrapped around my waist. We were now sitting on the floor, me crying and him trying to sooth me. "I love you, angel."

   "I love you too." I promised, my eyes growing tired. "I just want to stay with you forever..Just like this."

   "We should probably get off the floor, love, and move to the couch." Harry stood with me, not letting go of me. He let go slightly, before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the couch. He sat me down and sat beside me, grabbing the remote. "What do you want to watch?"

   "Whatever you want." I said, lying my head on his shoulder. I watched him as he tried to decide what movie to watch.

   "Wanna have a Harry Potter marathon?" He asked me. I nodded, pulling the throw blanket over both of us and curling up beside him. He turned the first one on. "Are you thirsty, babe? Or hungry?"

   "Yeah." I mumbled as he stood and walked into the kitchen. He came back with a big bag of crisps and two sodas. He handed me the chips and a soda, and sat back down beside me. I took a sip of my soda and ate a few chips, before sitting them both by the couch. I looked over at Harry as he watched the movie. He blushed when he saw me staring up at him.

   "What?" Harry mumbled, leaning close to me. I shrugged, smiling slightly. He leaned down and kissed me gently, and pulled away a few inches. His eyes were still as mesmerizing as the day I had first looked into them, maybe even more now.

   "I'm so lucky I have you. If I would've chickened out and never given you my phone number, or if you would've never asked me. My life would be so bad right now if I didn't have you." I sighed, kissing his cheek.

   "I love you, Piper. Always will." He smiled, cupping my cheek with his hand and tracing small circles on my cheek with his thumb.

   "I love you too, Harry."

Yay! Piper's back with her Hazza Boo. This chapter is a bit short, and I know I haven't updated in forever. I'm soooo sorry. I'll be posting a super long chapter soon though, and yes, it's going to be the one about her surgery. Oh, and I need a ship name for Piper and Harry. Any thoughts?? :) Thanks for reading. -Nevaeh Is Hating Valentine's Day

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