4. Just Friends

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"Piper?" Harry knocked at my door softly. He was so sweet, and generous, and attractive.

I unlocked my bedroom door. Harry looked rough, like he had been up all night crying. His hair was disheveled,and his eyes had bags under them. He stared at the ground, frowning at it.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time. He glanced up at me, meeting me gaze for a few seconds before he looked away again.

"I shouldn't have just kissed you like that. You just looked so beautiful and I just thought-" He sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm just not ready for a relationship right now, Harry. I mean, look how my last one turned out. Plus, we're really good friends and if dated and it ended up bad, we couldn't restore our friendship." I lied through my teeth. And it hurt. I just wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him for a half hour or so. But I can't.

"I understand. But can you at least give me a chance...one day?". He finally looked me in the eyes, and I gazed into his sparkling emerald eyes. Those eyes were full of hope, which I would never have.

"One day." We smiled at each other for a minute, until I remembered something. "Crap. I have a doctors appointment today at two. I need to get dressed."

"Do you need a ride?" He asked. I shook my head. "Okay, well, you can borrow the car. He tossed me his keys and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Doctors appointment. Ha, that doesn't sum it up a bit."


"Harry, I'm home!" I shouted into the house. "Harry? Where you at?"

"Boo!" Someone grabbed me from behind, causing me to shriek. Harry doubled over laughing.

"Your face was priceless, oh my god. I should've got a picture." He laughed like a maniac. I scowled at him.

"I hate you, Harry Styles." I collapsed on the couch.

"You know you love me." He sat next to me and I propped my legs up on the coffee table.

"Believe what you want." I closed me eyes, and images of Harry and me at the restaurant flashed through my mind. Him offering me his jacket, him stopping, me walking back to him, him leaning in and kissing, the tears that fell on the ride home.

"Want to watch a movie?" He began scrolling through the channels. "Titanic's on."

"That is my favorite movie ever. Turn it on. Now." I demanded. He chuckled and clicked the movie. 'My Heart Will Go On' began playing, and the intro flashed on the screen.


Harry's P.o.v.

Piper had fallen asleep in the middle of the movie, her body leaning into mine. I smiled at her peaceful face. I didn't want to wake her, so I continued watching movies, finally falling asleep in Beautiful Creatures.

When I awoke the next morning, Piper was curled up on the other side of the couch with a blanket.

"Morning, Hazza." She finished the orange juice she was drinking.

"Hey. Sleep well?" I asked, ignoring the smile spreading across my face.

"Shut up. I fell asleep there." She defended, blushing wildly. That encouraged me more.

"You know you loved it." I smirked. She gave me a glare that I didn't even know was capable. I raised my hands on surrender.

"You okay?" I put a hand on her shoulder. A pained look had covered her face.

"Does it look like I'm okay? I'm cramping like crazy and you just keep being annoying and I just want to sleep or crawl in a hole and I'm really craving ice cream right now and I just can't deal with this right now!" She spat. I pulled my hand back, processing the words she said. Oh.

"Is it..you know, that time of month?" She nodded. "Do you want me to go and get you ice cream?"

"Duh." She frowned, turning her attention to her phone. I put my shoes on, driving to the closest ice cream parlor.

Shit. I had forgotten to ask her what kind she wanted. I got her a miniature bucket of cookie dough ice cream and brought it back to her.

"Thanks so much, Harry. This is delicious. You're really sweet." She thanked me as she devoured the whole bucket of ice cream. "I wanna take a bubble bath."

I ran warm water into the tub, adding the bubbles into the running water. After turning the water off, I grabbed her a pair of blue pajama shorts and one of my white t-shirts.

"There. I ran your water, lit some vanilla candles, and grabbed your clothes. Happy?" I teased.

"Thank you." She trudged off towards the bathroom. I rolled my eyes. I wish I could do this for her every day. I wish I could come home to her and our children, kiss their foreheads, and crawl in bed after a long day. But that doesn't seem like a possibility right now.

I. Am. Freaking. Out. My mom came to pick me up from my friends house today and she handed me an envelope. My first thoughts were oh my gosh someone's dead or I'm in trouble. So I opened the envelope and I'M GOING TO THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT IN TULSA!!! I'm going on September 23. Yay! I'm in total fangirl mode right now. If anyone else is going, comment!! Also, like the story (if you want).

Btw, my Kik is nevaehtomlinson14, so Kik me! And if anyone uses polyvore, check out my sets. My username is nevaehtomlinson. ♥ u guys! (not in a creepy way)

-Nevaeh is going to a 1d concert and will probably die :D:D:D:D♥♥♥♥♥

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