6. Heart Made Up On You

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  I awoke with Harry's arms around me. He smiled at me when I looked up into his beautiful eyes.

  "Morning." He smirked. "You don't know how amazing this is."

  "Yeah I do. It's wonderful." I pulled the blanket over me more. Ever since I was little, I couldn't sleep without a blanket, no matter how hot it was. "We should get up."

  "But I don't wanna." Harry whined. I giggled at how immature he was.

  "But you should!" Someone called on the other side of the door. I shrieked as the doorknob turned and the door opened, revealing Louis and Eleanor sitting cross legged on the ground.

  "So. I see that you two are together. I figured when Piper didn't answer her bedroom door." Eleanor smiled.

  "How long have you been there?" I asked. "You guys scared the crap out of me."

  "Sorry. We've been here about thirty minutes." Louis answered. "We made breakfast."

  "Oh no. What all did you burn?" Harry sighed, sitting up in bed.

  "Nothing!" Louis said, acting offended. "El cooked it."

  "Good." Harry said. Eleanor and I giggled.

"You can't be that bad, Louis." I spoke finally. Harry looked at me crazily.

  "Oh, he's terrible. He burns everything. Last year, he tried to cook me pancakes for Valentine's Day. We ended up getting Starbucks- my favorite- and going shopping for groceries." Eleanor chuckled, nudging Louis with her elbow.

  "Wow. That bad, Louis?" I chuckled. He nodded sadly.

  "How about you help me cook pancakes this morning?" I suggested. His face brightened.

  "Really?" He smiled. I nodded and threw the blanket off of me.

  "Just let me go get dressed and we'll cook. I have an appointment later." I muttered the last part a bit quieter. Eleanor gave me a look of pity, as Louis sat there clueless.

  "Okay." Louis got up and helped Eleanor to her feet. "I'll wait in the kitchen."

  "I'll wait with you in the living room." Harry said to Eleanor. I headed upstairs, a bit nervous. I changed into a pair of red skinny jeans and a plain black T-shirt. When I got downstairs, Louis was gathering ingredients, studying the box carefully.

  "Got everything?" I asked, surveying the things he had placed on the counter. He nodded happily as I grabbed a pan out of the cabinet.

  "Mix the ingredients while this heats up." I sai told him. "Read the directions."

  Twenty minutes later, four plates sat on the kitchen table, two pancakes on each. Eleanor took a hesitant bite.

  "This is delicious! You made this, Louis?" El questioned. I nodded, proud he had accomplished it. Even if it is just pancakes.

  "I didn't even know Piper could cook." Harry answered. I giggled, sitting in the seat beside him. His gaze fell on me, his smile fading. I blushed, feeling his hand squeeze mine. Louis ad Eleanor were in a conversation of their own and didn't notice our little moment. It was over quickly though, when Louis started talking to me about their fans. Apparently, they called themselves Directioners. I pulled my hand from Harry's.


  "Can I please come?" Harry whined. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I was getting ready for my doctors appointment and Harry wanted to come.

  "Fine, Harry. But only this time." I sighed. He pulled me backwards on to his lap, nuzzling his face in my neck. I giggled, smiling at his romantic gesture. Kendall never did this, all he did was scream at me and hurt me and make me feel worthless.

  "You're hand fits in mine like its made just for me. But bear this in mind it was meant to be. I'm joining up the dots on the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me." He sang.

  "That's a pretty song. What's it called?" I asked. The song sounded vaguely familiar.

  "Its one of our songs. The name of it is Little Things." He replied. I climbed off his lap, sliding my black converse on.

  "Okay. Let's go." I opened the bedroom door. "I love you, Harry."

  He looked at me in surprise. "I-i love you, too, Piper." He smiled, taking my hand in his and leading me to the car. I pressed play on the radio, and the song Harry had been singing was playing. He hummed along to it, singing on his parts. We finally pulled up. We sat in the waiting room until a nurse came out with a clipboard.

  "Miss Piper? Dr. Johanson is ready to see you now." Her eyes watched me as I walked across the room. A little girl was sitting on her mothers lap in a chair, tears on her face.

  "I know where his office is. You can go." I mumbled.

  "But, miss, I am supposed to show you the room. You may be-". She began, until I cut her off.

  "I come here once a week and see the same exact doctor because I have cancer. I've got this." I snapped, stomping to a room at the end of the hallway and knocking twice. The nurse walked off with a sour face. 

  "Hello, Piper." Dr. Johansen gave me a warm smile as I took a seat in a chair in front of his desk. "I have some bad news."

  "Your cancer is spreading. It was just one spot, and now it is almost half of your lung." I frowned. "I need you to come in twice a week now. If you have any unusual pains in your chest, back, or stomach, or if you have trouble breathing, call me immediately. If it gets any worse, the only thing we can try is surgery. And even that may not work."

  "So..I could die?" I whimpered. I knew the tears would come sooner or later, so I let them spill. Dr. Johansen nodded sadly. I sobbed, my hands covering my face.

  "You may go." She led me to the door and walked me to the waiting room. Harry instantly rushed towards me, pulling me into a strong, warm hug. I sobbed into his chest. He wrapped arm around me a and helped me into the car.

  "Piper. What's wrong? What happened?" Harry asked worriedly as we drove home. I ignored him the whole ride, locking myself in my bedroom when we got him. My hand covered me mouth, and I pressed my back against the door, falling to the floor. I sobbed as I sat on the ground, hugging my knees to my chest. I crawled under the covers, not planning on coming out. Ever.    

  It honestly hurt me to write the last part of the chapter. What do you guys think is going to happen? I hope you like this story. If so please like and comment! ♥ xx  


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