2. I Love Him, But I Hate Him

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I snatched my keys off the table and jumped into the car, racing like a jet to the address she gave me. I swerved into the driveway, tires squealing.

A man was beating Piper in the driveway. I tackled him to the ground. We went into a full-on fist-fight, Piper whimpering and backing away.

"Piper, get in the car!" I shouted, as my fist made contact with his nose, probably breaking it. One more hit would hopefully knock him out. I threw one more punch, leaving him on the ground, unconscious.

I rushed to the car, flinging myself into the drivers seat. Piper was curled up in the passenger seat, bawling her eyes out. I placed a hand on her shoulder, only to watch her recoil from my touch. I decided to hold all my questions in until she was doing better. By the time we got to my house, she was asleep. I placed her on my bed, examining and bandaging her wounds.


Pipers P.o.v.

I awoke in an unfamiliar. Someone coughed beside me. I looked over to see him sitting in a chair behind the bed. It was Harry, from the hospital. I was already in love with him the moment I saw him.

But I can't be with him. Even if he does like me back. I can't be his burden too. He's too sweet to have to deal with both of our problems.

"You're awake." He was suddenly by my side, looking worried. His emerald green eyes were practically mesmerizing me. "Are you hungry? I have pop tarts."

"That's fine. Can you help me up?" His large hand covered mine, strong muscles pulling me off of his comfortable bed. I smiled in my mind.

He led me to a huge living room. And I mean huge. I sat on the couch. My clothes were covered in dry blood from last night when Kendall attacked me. I cringed at the thought.

A few minutes later , Harry handed me my sugary breakfast. I devoured it quickly. I said, "Thanks. You probably want some answers, don't you?" He nodded. "Well, my boyfri- I mean ex-boyfriend, Kendall, thought I was cheating on him with his brother so he started beating me. I was so relieved when you showed up." Then I added quietly, "You're really strong."

I blushed as he smiled cheekily at me. "Why thank you. Were you attempting to flirt with me?" He winked at me. I tensed up again.

"No. Why would I be flirting?" I snapped, instantly regretting it. He looked at me sadly. I frowned. Maybe I had said that a bit harshly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just-"

"It's fine." I swear he looked hurt by my comment. I bit my lip. Man, no wonder everyone hates me. Harry probably hates me now too. God, I'm so stupid.

"Anyways, do u need a place to stay for a while?" He asked,, not looking me in the eye. I frowned again. I really want to stay, but-

"Yes." I blurted, not even thinking. He nodded, still staring at the floor. I placed a hand on his shoulder, once again not thinking. "I mean, I can stay at a hotel for a bit until I can get resettled and-"

"Piper, you can stay here. I don't hate you. Its not your fault your a little reserved because of the idiot who decided beating you was fun." He said. "I have an extra room you can stay in."

"Thank you, Harry. You're really nice. Your girlfriend is lucky to have you." I bit my lip.

"I don't have a girlfriend. Why would you think that?" He asked.

"Well, I saw the picture in your room with you and that girl and I just assumed." I shrugged.

"Oh, you mean Gemma? That's my sister. Definitely not my girlfriend." He chuckled, standing up and walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I whimpered. He paused with one foot on the bottom step.

"Well, you're wearing bloody clothes that probably aren't very comfortable so I was going to get you an outfit." He explained, keeping his eyes on mine.

"Oh, thanks." I watched him disappear up the staircase. He came back down moments later with a small stack of clothes, placing them in my lap.

"There's a bathroom down the hall, first room on the left." He pointed towards the hallway. I nodded, walking into the bathroom.

Harry's P.o.v.

Piper agreed to stay here for a while, which means I have a chance of becoming her boyfriend before tour starts. She's in the bathroom right now, changing out of the bloody clothes she had on. Who would hurt her like that. She's beautiful, sweet, petite. And so what if she's a little scared? I can help her get through this. She obviously doesn't want to be alone.

"Hey." Piper sat on the couch, pulling her legs to her chest. "Why do you have girl clothes?"

"Oh, you know, its what I wear when I go out with my girls." I said in a feminine voice. She giggled. "Just kidding. They're my sister's. She left a lot of things when she visited."

"Oh." She blinked, played with rip on the right knee of the jeans. "So you're in a band?"

"Yeah. I'm in a band called One Direction. I'm a bit surprised you've never heard of us." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Well, I just finished my first year of college, so I've been studying a lot. Plus, in high school I was mostly worried about keeping my grades up to actually get into college. So I'm not really up to date on what's popular right now." That was the most she's spoken since she's been here.

"I understand. Anyways, me and my four best friends are in the band. We all sing." I paused. "Enough about me. Tell me some things about yourself."

"Well, I'm 19 years old, I'm soon to be a sophomore at Julliard in New York, I enjoy acting. Actually, acting is my life. And I-" She stopped. "Never mind."

"What?" I asked. She shook her head and leaned her head against her knees.

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it. Why don't we talk about you. I mean, I know you're in a band and all, but I wanna know other stuff." I searched her eyes for any hint on why she wouldn't tell me what was going on, but I found nothing.

"Well, I enjoy baking. I used to work at a bakery when I was 16. My hometown is Cheshire. I am currently twenty years old and single. And my best mate is Louis Tomlinson. He's in One Direction, too. That's about it." I finished, feeling good about adding that I was single in there.

"That's cool. Can you show me my room now please, I need to get a bit more rest." She asked. I nodded, leading her to the guest room upstairs.

Chapter 2!! Thanks for the votes, for whoever voted. This only has 17 reads so far, but hopefully I may get more. I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I've been preparing for school, and now that its started, I am a very sad person. How about 4 more votes for the next chapter. Also, comment your opinions and suggestions. Thank you.

-Nevaeh hates school :P

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