3. Don't Cry

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Harry's P.o.v.

Piper's been here for a couple weeks now, and we've became good friends. She loves my cooking and threatens that if I don't cook her a meal, she'll have to do it and burn all the food. Although I would look her anything she wanted.

"Harry, there are no more clothes that I can wear." Piper called from upstairs.

"Wanna go shopping?" I asked reluctantly. I hate shopping with a passion.

"Really? You would buy me knew clothes?" She appeared at the top of the stairs in a pair of pajama shorts and a baby blue tank top. I nodded.

"Yeah, its not a problem." I would do anything for you, I wanted to add.

"Thanks, Hazza." She chirped, bouncing back into her room to dress. I chuckled softly.


"I no longer feel like a man." I muttered, following an enthusiastic Piper through the boutique. "Why did I agree to this."

"Because you're an awesome friend?" She turned, poking me in the chest.

"Seriously, Piper, people are staring." I kicked the polished floor. "I would just give you my credit car and go next door, but I'm scared that you'll lose it or something."

"I am very responsible." She put her hands on her hips. "Come on, you'll survive. Only a couple more stores."

"I'm only doing this out of pity." I joked. She looked back at me, looking hurt. "I was kidding. I'm sorry, Piper."

"And I was faking." She smirked. "If you wanted, you could've let Kendall beat me, but you decided to put up with my annoying butt."

"I thought I had hurt your feelings, don't ever do that again." I punched her shoulder gently. She laughed and continued browsing.

After another hour and a half of shopping at various boutiques, we finally headed home.

"You know, Harry, no guy has every taken me on a shopping spree like this. Heck, no guy has ever taken me on any shopping spree." She smiled at me from the passengers seat. "You're a good person."

"Thanks. You hungry?" I pulled into the parking lot of a random restaurant.

"Nice choice." Her green eyes sparkled as she got out of the car.

"Table for two?" The hostess ask when we entered the restaurant.

"Yes, please." Piper replied politely. We were led to a small table in the back.

We flipped through pur menus until a waitress came to our table.

"Hi, I'm Tara. I'll be your waitress. What would you like today?" She asked politely, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"Let's eat pizza, Haz." She begged, making puppy dog eyes at me.

"Whatever you want." I shrugged, chuckling. She smiled gratefully at me.

"We would like a cheese pizza, please." Piper told the waitress.

"And what drinks would you like with your pizza?" She scribbled our order on her notepad.

"Pepsi." Piper and I said in unison, making Piper giggle.

"That all?" Tara questioned, glancing at me. I nodded. "Your food will be here soon. You two are a cute couple, by the way."

She walked off before I could correct her. Not that I wanted to. Piper was stared at her lap, her cheeks burning red.

"So.." I said awkwardly. "I'm assuming you had fun shopping?"

"Yeah, thanks." She smiled, probably grateful that I was changing the subject.

"You've never told me about your family. I've only met Valerie." Our waitress brought us our drinks.

"Well, I have one older sister who lives in L.A. with her husband and their daughter. And my dad lives in Washington." She sipped her drink casually.

"What about your mom?" She tensed up, biting down on her straw.

"She died when I was twelve. She had cancer." She explained. I regretted asking, seeing how much it upset her.

"I'm sorry, its none of my business. I shouldn't have asked." I apologized.

"Its okay. You were just curious." She gave me a weak smile as our pizza arrived.


"Dinner was nice." Piper nudged me, rubbing her arms.

"Yeah. Are you cold?" I took of my jacket, offering it to her. She accepted, pulling it around her shoulders.

She looked so beautiful. The lights hit her perfectly. Her green eyes were full of new hope, and it was good to know that she was getting better.

I stopped in my tracks. Piper stopped, too, looking back at me. She walked back to see what was worrying me.

I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes widened as I leaned in. Finally, my lips met hers. I kissed her softly and pulled back. She looked scared and hurt. What did I do?

"I'm ready to go home now, Harry." She handed my jacket back to me and got in the car. She stayed silent the whole way, staring out the window. She was crying. I heard a small sniffle every few minutes.

When we got back, she locked herself in her room. I sat on the couch, biting down on the white pillow, trying to punch something.

What did I do wrong? Was I that bad of a kisser. She hates me now, but I couldn't help it. She had looked so beautiful, and I thought she might actually like me back, but I was wrong.

I felt a tear slip out of my eye, quickly wiping it away harshly. Why does everything go so wrong?

Piper's P.o.v.

I'm such an idiot. He has done so much for me. And I didn't hate the kiss. Its the only real kiss I've liked in years.

But me being me, had to run off. I didn't want to correct the waitress. I wanted to thank her and tangle my hand in Harry's. I want hom to kiss me, hug me, pull me close. I want him to love me like no one has.

But I don't want to burden him. He doesn't know. He can't know. I love him, but we can't be together. Its too hard. Why am I burdened with this life?

Anyone else hate school? Ive had to get so many papers signed by my mom that I think she is beginning to hate school as much as me. Plus, I'm in advanced literacy and social studies classes, which means more homework. Yay! (note the sarcasm) Enough about my terrible school life though. What do you guys think about this chapter? You're probably ready for some romance, but not yet. Sorry! Comment, vote, and- if you want- follow!

-Nevaeh is a hopeless romantic. ♥♥♥

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