11. Survive

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  "Harry, I'm nervous." I whimpered, my knee bouncing up and down as I sat in the hard, plastic chair. I shifted in my seat for the umpteenth time in the last hour. Harry placed his large hand on my knee, stilling it.

  "Calm down, love. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just remember, me and the boys will be out here waiting for you when you get out." Harry attempted to soothe me. I chewed my bottom lip and looked around nervously. 

  The dreading day had come. It was the day of my surgery. There were two outcomes. I either lived, or I died. 

  "Stop thinking about that." Harry sighed, kissing my cheek. I glanced over at him and raised my eyebrows.

  "Thinking about what?" I questioned.

  "Death." He breathed. "I saw your face go pale. Piper, I don't want those thoughts in your head. You're making me nervous, too."

  "I'm sorry, baby." I frowned, lacing my fingers through his. "I love you, Harry." 

  "I love you, too, Piper." His tired eyes glanced down at the ground for a moment, and he quickly rubbed his eyes. "Please make it through this. If th-this surgery doesn't work, I don't know what I'm going to do. Please, please get through it."

   "I'll try." I promised, although I couldn't do anything about the outcome.  We sat in silence for a few minutes before I saw a nurse come into the waiting room.

   "Piper?" The woman called out, glancing around although Harry and I were the only ones in the waiting room.

   I stood shakily and Harry did the same. He held me tight for a few moments and gave me one last kiss before letting me go. I walked towards the nurse, who gave me a pitiful smile, and off we went into the operation room.

Harry's P.O.V.

   I sat in the chair in the waiting room. It had been three hours since they had taken Piper back to the operation room. I had started feeling panicky about thirty minutes ago, so Louis and Eleanor were coming to keep me company until Piper came back from surgery. Well...if she came back from surgery. 

   I was snapped from my thoughts by a group of people coming the door. I looked over and saw Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Niall, and Kayla. I looked up at them and weakly smiled as they headed over. Louis and Kayla took the chairs on each side of me, while the others gathered around on the floor.

   "How long has she been in there?" Niall asked.

   "3 hours." I replied hoarsely. As Louis and Eleanor murmured beside me, I saw a nurse walk into the waiting room. 

   "Harry Styles?" She called out. "Piper wants to see you. She just woke up from her surgery, but we're still not sure if it worked or not."

   I instantly stood and rushed over to the nurse. "Can I see her?" I asked. She nodded, leading me away from my friends. We walked for what seemed like forever before finally arriving at a room. The nurse, whose nametag read 'Nurse Jones', let me in and closed the door before standing outside the room. I sat in the chair beside Piper's bed.

   "Harry, is that you?" She said, her voice rough and scratchy. 

   "Yeah, it's me." I said softly. She opened her eyes and looked over at me, and reached out her hand. I put her small, fragile hand between both of mine. "How'd it go?"

   "I don't know. I won't know until you know." She looked away from me, staring instead at the plain white wall in front of her. 

   "I love you. And I want you to know, I'm always here for you. Always. No matter what you go through, I'll be there. And..and if the surgery didn't work, I promise you I will never stop loving you. You will always be my favorite person in the world, even if you're not in this world anymore. And I'll take care of Valerie, I promise. Nothing will happen to her, and I-i..." I paused, tears beginning to spill over onto my cheeks. "Please don't  go.."

   "Harry, it's okay. I love you so much, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be right beside you, making sure you stay strong." Piper softly smiled, reaching up to wipe my tears with her thumb. "I want you to promise me something?"

   "Anything for you." I sniffled, finally making eye contact again.

   "If the surgery doesn't work and I die, then I want you to promise me one thing." She said softly. "Promise me you won't mourn over me for too long, and you'll find someone else. Don't waste the rest of your life. Find a pretty girl who loves you more than the world itself, and hold on tight to her. Love her. You can still love me, but move on. I want you to be happy. I'd much rather you be happy with me, but if I'm not here, find someone else to be happy with. Find someone else to buy a puppy with and give your hoodies to and marry and love and have the cutest little curly-haired, green-eyed, dimpled babies ever." 

   I paused, letting everything she said sink in. "I-i promise." 

   "Thank you." She smiled softly, and as I looked over her features, I could feel my heart break. She looked so fragile and sickly.  "I love you, Harry.

   "I love you more." I said, giving her a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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