1.) Meet Megan

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Megan's POV:
Hey! I'm Megan Mark. Ya cool name right? I just moved to Los Angeles from Philly. It's such a big move. I was originally born in Yardley, PA but then moved into the city because of work. My moms a nurse and she works at CHOP, which stands for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. But, then my dad got a really good job offer in LA and we had to move. To be honest, I'm not the most outgoing person when I'm in a school full of strangers. Especially since LA is one of the richest places which means snobby people. Well first off I'm going to describe myself. Long blonde wavy hair but it's ombré so that the hair gets lighter as it gets lower. My eyes are hazel and I'm about 5'1. I'm pretty short for my age because I'm in 8th grade. Normally people are 5'4 by then and it just feels weird. People usually call me names but nice ones. Such as shortstack, shorty, munchkin, squirt, or ducky. As you can see those are cute and short nicknames. Well today is my first day at Cambridge Middle and I hope it's fun.

"Megan! You're going to be late for school!" Said my mother, Judy Mark. "I'm comin', I'm comin'!" I yelled running down the steps. I grabbed my lunch and headed out to the car. Every first day, my mom drives me to school just so I don't get all nervous.

We just pulled up and after a long, lecture by my mom. It was big and pretty nice. It had a tiny fountain in the front that a kid was reading a soccer magazine on. He looked like one of those nerdy shy kids but they're usually sweet."Goodbye and good luck sweetheart!" My mom said to me before I got out of the car. "Thanks mom, love you." I said waving. As the car pulled away, I started walking to the front doors. This really mean looking kid was walking up to this boy on the fountain. I stuck around to see what was going to happen. "Hello, this is my spot." The mean looking guy said. "Um, thanks for the nice 'hello' but I'm sorry I'm sitting here." The fountain boy said. (Yes, I'm calling him fountain boy.) "Come on, I can knock you out with one punch." The mean guy said. "Hey, it's funny how you're acting all buff and stuff just for a seat on the fountain even though schools going to start in 5 minutes." I surprisingly yelled over to him. Aw crap, how and why did I frickin do that. I facepalmed myself. "Oh look, she's trying to protect you. How about you go inside and make friends sweetheart." The mean guy said. Uh oh he heard my mom call me sweetheart, here we go. "Just leave her alone this is so stupid crap." Said the fountain boy. He got up and pulled me inside the school with the mean kid still near the fountain.

"Thanks for that but i didn't really need it." He said. "O-oh...I know it was really 4th grade bullying....Haha" I giggled with a sarcastic tone. "Hah, true. By the way, my names Adrian." He said sticking out his hand. "Oh, m-my names Megan. Nice to meet you..." I said shyly. "Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" Said Adrian. "Oh..um..I don't really know what that was out there. That's very unusual of me. I'm actually pretty quite shy and quiet. But, you seemed like you needed help." I responded. We were walking to lockers and I was close to mine and then figured out that Adrian's was right next to mine."So I should feel lucky then, huh? Well thanks you seem cool. If you need help around, I don't mind." He replied. "Okay just, I need help finding my classes." I said. "Hey I think I have the same ones." He said. The bell rang and rush hour began. Adrian grabbed my arm and helped me to the first class, Social Studies.

Adrian's POV:
Wow she's a really nice person. I wonder where she came from but I'll ask later. She sat next to me in Social Studies so I can help her out. The teacher started talking and said we can chat the whole first day to get to knowing our tables. Then Kate started to walk up to our table. She's kind of...I don't even know. Everyone has to "bow" down to her. Not like any of us do anyway but she is sort of the "popular" girl. Her boyfriend is the schools quarterback who has just recently won a game for his team. It was a really good game too. 24-22. Our school's football team is called the Cambridge Coyotes. Kate is one of the cheerleaders and our colors are blue and gray. I only play soccer in the Spring and that's basically the only sport I play. I sometimes do Sports Camp in the summer. Basically what we do is learn each sport and the basics. It's to see if you might want to try it sometime. But let's get back to the story. So his name is Cori Anderson.

Kate's POV:
Oh so I just saw the new girl and ew, who wears plain colors. Like she should totally wear some bright fun ones. Cori and I have been dating since the summer and it's been great. I've missed seeing him but the game last night was so great.

Megan's POV:
Everyone in our group was talking and Kate was just staring at me. I found out her name was Kate because this good looking guy called her. I bet he's her boyfriend because of the way he looks at her. But how could he like a snobby girl like that. He's probably the same way, isn't so humble about his popularity.

*at lunch*

Adrian's POV:
Megan sat next to me at lunch and to be honest she's so sweet that it's adorable. I hope I'm not developing any feelings here because this ain't High School Musical. But, I still barely know her so I'll take some time.

Megan's POV:
I just sat there lightly nibbling on the food my mother packed me. Adrian just stared at me and to be honest his eyes are gorgeous. They're hazel but have more green than brown. His hair is brown but some darker brown highlights. He has glasses but they show his eyes more. His teeth are kind of crooked but when he smiles it's so cute. I bet we'll be good friends. He's taller than me too. He's like 5'4. He's pretty short for his age also but at least he's not too short.

This girl with dark brown hair and blonde highlights kept staring at me. She looked all perky and smiled at me. She waved once she noticed I caught her looking. Her hair was medium length, pretty smile, blue eyes, and a little taller than me it looked. I noticed she started to walk over to me so I got really nervous. I'm not good with people but I guess I'm comfortable with Adrian. "Hi my names Claire Broddy. And that's pronounced 'Bro-Dee'." She said with a smile. "Um..hi." I said while rubbing my arm. "Adrian, is she okay?" She asked. "She's just really shy, her names Megan." He responded. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you. Just let me know if you feel awkward." She said. "I'm going to be okay...I like your shirt. You like Shawn Mendes?" I asked. "I don't just like him, I love him!" She said with a fangirling face. "Oh my gosh, same!" I said with a excited look. From there on, I knew we were going to be good friends.

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