7.) Where's Adrian?

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Megan's POV:
It's Tuesday. The suns shining, my bed was nice and warm, and I felt something was wrong. It's probably because I'll have to go to school. Everyone read my journal and I still haven't gotten it back. So I did the usual. I got a warm shower and changed into jeans, my old jersey, and black converse. It was a bum day for me since I'm tired and just want to get over it. I went downstairs and my mom is sick so I have to get myself ready. As I went downstairs, I started singing random songs. Then I grabbed my bag, lunch, and jacket.

"Here we go..." I said to myself. I was standing in front of the door to the school. I took a deep breath and walked in. I didn't look at anybody and kept walking straight ahead to where I wanted to go. I heard snickering coming from the people whispering. Ugh. Just give it up, I hate when people do this. When I got to my locker I noticed Adrian's locker. No Adrian. What is going on? Why is he always gone now?


Claire's POV:
I saw Megan sitting all alone. Where's Adrian? I walked over and sat next to her. "Hey...are you okay?" I said. She just looked up from her food with a miserable look on her face. "No...I'm not...Adrian hasn't texted me nor been at school...I was embarrassed...what else is gonna happen?" She said in a mad tone. "Oh..well...look what I got." I said sliding her journal to her hand. She looked up from her food and saw it. Then she looked at me, and smiled. "Thank you.." She said. "Anything for you." I responded.

*soccer practice*

Megan's POV:
Even though I can't play, I still show up. I was nervous today though because I'm afraid they'll laugh at me. It's a good thing because there are all older girls on my team. They have no idea what goes on in my grade. "Hey, Megan! Can you pass out the soccer balls for them to shoot?" Said Coach Williams. "Of course!!" I responded. "Wait..aren't you only right footed?" Asked Coach Williams. "Um no actually I'm both!" I said smiling.

*Megan's Bedroom*

That was a nice practice, I actually did something. I am laying in my bed texting people and noticed my journal. It was sticking out of my bag. Ugh. Should I? Hmm ok. I grabbed it and flipped to the page I was on. It said 'Sports':

"Soccer has always been my favorite sport. No matter how many times I've gotten hurt. Haha. It's the best thing in the world...."

I shut the book quickly because my mom walked in. She startled me as she burst through the door. "Hey sweetie." Said my mom. "Oh...hi mom...what do you need?" I asked. "Oh nothing just checking on you." She responded.

My mom left my room and turned off the lights. Ah..time for sleep. But, where is Adrian? Ugh.

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