9.) This Love

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Megan's POV:
Today I want to see Adrian at school because I miss him more than anything. I hate not seeing him. I feel pretty bad too because he's always there for me and now I'm not there for him. I'm walking out of the bus right now to the front doors. "Hey Megan!" Said Claire. "Hey..is Adrian here today?" I asked. "I'm not sure but I doubt it." She replied. Ugh. I walked in the school with Claire by my side. Then she said 'bye' as she turned the corner. Her lockers farther that way and I still have to walk straight. On the loud speaker since we had a two hour delay, Mrs. Delahanso(our principal) said to go to our 4th period. My 4th period is study hall. I got an idea! I can right a letter and put it in Adrian's locker to make him feel better when he comes back. After she was done on the loud speaker, I walked to class. I sat my books down and took a piece of looseleaf. Ok...so:

'Dear Adrian,
I know what you're going through and it must be tough. You're a strong person though and I bet you'll get through. My heart hurts knowing you're going through a bad time. I also miss you here! Everything will be alright as long as we have faith and hope. Also, I want to mention something else. Something I've..well...never said I guess. Ever since I've met you and talked to you, I noticed I was a happier person. Especially when I'm with you, I can't stop smiling. I don't know what got into me that day we met but I'm glad it happened..because I met you. You're so funny and such a caring person. You're there for me when I need you and now is time to give back the favor. I like you a lot ok? I said it and I mean what I say. What bothers me is I'm afraid you don't feel the exact same. Maybe yours is just a fluke or you just like me a little. But it's needed to say I feel that you're amazing. I can't live without talking to you. We never have fought which makes me proud. There's hope for us possibly? Everything about you makes me so happy and makes me actually die inside. I'm scared to say this to you because I'm not good with words when it comes to face-to-face. So I'm writing it. I hope you know someone loves you and I hope you know, I won't give up.
Love, Megan😘'

There we go! *bell rings* Lunch time. I'll put the letter in his locker on the way to lunch. I hope it makes him happy.


I was hoping maybe Adrian would come at lunch but no. It made me sad because I miss him more than ever. It's Wednesday and he's not here. I sat down at my normal table at the end. It's usually Claire, Adrian, and I. But it's been Claire and I for a while. Everyone stares at us like we're losers since it's only us two. I just don't care about that anyway. Ugh. I need him here, it's so boring without him. No offense to Claire, I still love her. Oh I just remembered what Mrs. Dickens told me about his father. What accident though? How bad to get into the hospital? "Megan, are you okay girl?" asked Claire. "Yes. Maybe. Well. I don't know." I said confusing myself. "Aw it's okay. Adrian probably misses you too but it's for his dad." She responded. Lunch dismissed and we had to go to next period.


I opened the front door and slammed it. Then I started to run to my room and I threw my bookbag on the ground. My mom yelled to me, "hey! Are you okay?" She asked. "NO MOM IM NOT!" I yelled back from my room. I heard her footsteps go up the stairs. "Sweetie, Adrian will be home tomorrow, you can go talk to him." She said. "Really?!" I asked. "Yes, his mom called the house because Adrian is missing you too." She replied. I smiled and wiped a little tear from my eye. I'm not going to cry over this. I just have so many emotions I can't handle. My mom left the room after she kissed my forehead. I decided to do something cool and get my mind off this. I hopped onto my laptop and went on old videos. Haha. I was so messed up. Then, I saw a video of me from the end of school last year. Aw. It's from home, Philly. It's me walking out of school with everyone saying goodbye and good luck. Maybe I should continue this blog as in how I'm doing now. I set the camera up and sat on my bed.
"Hello, my names Megan. So far you've seen my goodbyes to my old friends. It was sad leaving Philly; a rainy/sunny weather place, to a hot weather place. So many famous people live here and not too far. I've made a couple friends. But my two main friend's are Adrian and Claire. They're very nice but right now Adrian is sadly with his dad at the hospital. I don't really know what happened but he'll get better, I know it. Adrian's a strong kid and my favorite guy at this school. And I know what you're thinking. Yes, I like him. He's just so different and I can't tell you how much he means to me. But, anyways I miss him too. I haven't seen him almost all week. I'll keep you posted as the days go by. I'll make one every three days and tell you what I get out of it. See ya!"

I waved to the camera as I finished and put the two videos together. I saved them and turned off my laptop. It started to drizzle a bit so I couldn't go to Mrs. Dickens to see what actually happened. I'll find out soon though and I just hope he's okay. If his dad dies(which he won't), Adrian won't be in school even longer than now. He'll be too upset to show his face anywhere. His dad and him are so close and have an unbreakable bond. I just can't believe this.


I looked out the window and wished everything will be okay. Then I looked at the beautiful stars. Each one is unique and different just like my different reasons why I love Adrian. Well off to bed.

I looked outside at the gloomy stars thinking of Megan. Poor Meg's probably getting tortured by those mean girls/guys at our school. And I'm all the way out here, no way to help her. I miss her also. I'm glad I'll be back at my home tomorrow. I can't wait to see her. My wish is that when I see her again...what I've always dreamed of the day I first met her will come true.

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