12.) See You Again

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*months later*

Megan's POV:
Today is officially the last day of my first year at Cambridge Middle. Since I found out I broke my ankle, I couldn't play all season. Luckily that tournament with the coach of the high school team was cancelled. But I can't believe it's the last day already.
I got up and looked at my phone to see if I got any texts. There was one from Adrian and once I opened it, my jaw dropped. It was so long and I had no idea what it could say.

Wednesday (10:17pm)
"Hey Megan! So I have been wanting to tell you this. I'm afraid you'll get mad at me but you deserve to know. My dad has recovered which is all good! But...my grandmother had just passed away this morning. Basically what will get you mad is...I'm going down to New York to visit my grandfather. He is fairly upset about the loss and he needs company. I'm upset too because my grandmother has always been there for me since ever. She taught me what things were and how to work them. Okay so. I will be with him 3/4 of the summer...that means I can't see you for 2 months. At least it's not forever but...on August 4th I will be back. I'm sorry I'm making you wait for me. I just feel super bad about my grandfather. I'll make it up to you when I get back. Don't worry though, I'll see you tomorrow! Remember? Graduation! We are graduating middle school together! I'm excited that it's gonna be with you. You'll be the most perfect girl there, I know it. Hope you understand and I'm sorry. See you tomorrow...😔💖"

Oh. Well. I couldn't live without him for weeks because of his dad..now months? I understand why but I just want him with me. And I will try...remember that night? The night he came to that party? It was worth waiting for, definitely. Like I've heard many people say before, "Love requires sacrifice.".

*Graduation Ceremony*

I was sitting in the gym next to Claire as the principal did his speech. "Man, highschool...it's practically here." Said Claire. "Yeah...I know.." I responded. This was sad knowing this is the last day I'll see Adrian. Then I won't see him again until August. Well might as well enjoy it while it lasts!

We got back to our homeroom and boys and girls went to the bathrooms. Everyone was getting changed since the dance is next up. I have a pretty light blue dress with a sparkly rim across the neck. Then as it gets lower, it gets wavy. It was my turn to change and I stepped into the bathroom. All the girls were talking about how hot every guy looks. I just slipped past the group and started to get changed. Damn, LA girls are quite thirsty these days. As I walked out I noticed the girls staring at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked. "No you look gorgeous girl." Said Kate. Wow Kate complimented me without a slight offense. This is weird.

Everyone was walking to the cafeteria with groups laughing when Claire and I just walked as a pair. All you see is the lights from the area glowing. They were in sync with the music. I pushed open the door and the music got louder. All I see is the girls dancing and the boys talking by the punch bowl. "Where's Adrian?" I asked. "I don't know.." Claire responded. I looked and looked but couldn't find him.

Claire's POV:
I lied. I knew where Adrian was but he's planning something cute before he leaves. Megan's gonna love it.

Adrian's POV:
I was still in the bathroom getting ready. This surprise is going to be great! I hope we're going to the same high school though. I think we are I'm not sure. Anyways, I'm planning the best thing ever and I pray she'll love it.

Claire texted me saying that Megan was busy and now I could do what I wanted to. So I ran down the hall and through the doors to the cafeteria. Then I told the DJ it was time.

Megan's POV:
I was dancing with my friends when the music suddenly stopped. I stood there looking around bc it changed to a slow song and I was all alone. I started to walk off the dance floor when I heard my voice. There was a video playing on the wall by a projector. I was with Adrian and we were laughing and giggling. Every time we hung out he'd record some of it and get me annoyed. I hated being video taped or just a random pic. But I walked closer to the wall and just watched it with a smile on my face. Everyone was awing and watching it. Then Adrian came over. "So you like it?" He asked. "Nah more like love." I responded. "Well I tried my best so I hoped you would." He said smiling. The video ended and the music took over. It was my favorite song since it first came out. It's called "One" by of course my favorite artist, Ed Sheeran. He knew I loved him and his songs because the words are beautiful. He looked at me shyly and I just smiled. He blushed and looked to the ground with his hands behind his back. "So.." He said still looking down. "Yes?" I responded. He looked up. "Would you like to maybe dance?😊" He said with a smile. "Why not?" I responded. After that was silence between us and just the music playing. He was a cutie let me tell you. I'm guessing his video was sort of a 'See you later' video. I just wanna stay like this forever.

Adrian's POV:
Why did I shyly ask her? Haha that's so weird but I was nervous she was mad that I was leaving and didn't tell her to her face. But you know, Megan's Megan. She doesn't get too mad unless it's serious. She understood me. She's the only one who does understand me. Megan is just pure perfect. Even the flaws make her more perfect. I just love how it is now and I hope it'll be like this when I come back. I love her.

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