6.) The Journal

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Megan's POV:
So yes guys, it's Monday. I hate Monday's...Ya know, school. My mom called me downstairs to grab everything. But I saw this little journal like thing. It was wedged between my closet door and the wall. I never noticed it set there so I wanted to look through it. But then my mom called again, "Megan! You're going to be late!". So I grabbed the journal and threw it into my schoolbag. I ran downstairs, said 'I love you' to my mom, and ran to the bus. Luckily I got there in time and the bus picked me up.

I was walking to find a seat and noticed Adrian wasn't on the bus. Aw, is he sick? Why doesn't he tell me this though? Whatever. I sat in the empty seat with no one in it because I only like to sit with Adrian. I took out my iPod and started to listen to music with my schoolbag beside me. Usually that's where Adrian is but not right now.

We got to school and I remembered the journal. I decided to take a quick peek at it before class. First I put all my books in my locker and turned my electronics off. I took out the journal and read the cover. It had gold sharpie and said 'Megan's Life in A Book'. It also had decorations all over the cover like heart stickers and smiles. It looked old and falling apart a bit. There was a little latch to open it like a binder. I opened it carefully and read the first page:

"Hello! My names Megan Mark! I'm 11 years old and from Philadelphia. Basically to summarize this book is a book all about my life. Hopefully older me will look back at this book and realize how stupid you are. Haha! Just kidding you are perfect and don't let anyone pull you down. Enjoy reading and refreshing your memory!"

There were labels on the side of the pages. Each were marked 'Sports', 'Crushes', 'Friends' and 'Family'. I flipped the to the next page:
"I've always wanted him to know. Like have you ever had a crush that you don't want to like in ur mind but your heart tells you different? It's hard when you want to tell people about it, but when you do they say "Ew why him?" Or "he's not even that cute" well I like his personality, his smile is so heartwarming. The way he's naturally happy makes me so excited. I told him a while ago and idk how he feels about it. He hasn't really said anything after that night. He hasn't said "sorry I don't feel the same" but he just carried on like normal friends would do. The way I feel when I catch him looking over my way gets me all tingly inside. When I talk to him I can't help but look into his eyes and see everything we can be. My friends don't think of him the way I do bc they have no idea. They don't talk to him a lot like I do. Every morning and every night, I think of him and his tenderness. I'm so happy even though I feel he doesn't feel the same. But that's not so wrong...bc I'm happy he knows and I'm happy he's happy with his life. Seeing him smile in any way shape or form just makes my day. I love it when I'm the reason he smiles or is happy. I just wish I knew what he thought. Nothing bad has happened tho, nothing has changed, but as long as we're still connected some way...that's all I need💘"
I was about to flip the page again but then... "Hey! What you got there?" Said Cori. He grabbed the journal out of my hand. I just stared at him, frightened because of how he scared me. "Um..that's mine...p-please give it back.." I said. "Maybe you shouldn't have cancelled on the hottest guy in school for some loser." He said. Cori slid the journal in the side of his jacket. I bet he was going to read it late but I don't want him to. He started to walk away with his little football besties. "Oh and by the way, he's not some loser, he's my friend. And I don't like the way you treat him either. Maybe I wouldn't have cancelled if you weren't some numnut!" I yelled to him. Oops..what's happening to me? Why am I getting so courageous? This isn't like me, but I kind of like it. Cori turned around and just stared at me. Then, he started walking again to where he was going. That butthole. Can't he just go away and leave my presence.


We got to gym and all the girls went to the locker room. "Nice little fight there with Cori, Megan." Said Claire. "Haha. Thanks Claire." I said. Claire and I were talking about a project we need to work on. So it took a while to change into gym clothes. Then we noticed laughing coming from in the gym. And no girls were in the locker room anymore. "What's going on out there?" Claire asked. "I don't know, let's see." I said curious.

Claire and I walked out there and noticed Cori. He was reading them my old journal from 5th grade. "Hey! Stop that!", Yelled Claire. She walked over and tried to reach and grab the book. Too bad the big ol' jock is 6 foot. No one could possibly reach that. All the girls and guys were staring at me. My face felt a burning sensation, I ran. Surprisingly I left the gym and started rushing down the hallway. Tears started rolling down my face. Where are you Adrian? The one time I really need him and he's not here. The hallways were empty and I saw the janitors closet. I hid in there and just sat by the old mop. I planted my face in my knees. So many things were rushing through my head at the time. I was having some kind of attack. Everything was collapsing on me and I couldn't do anything about it. There was a knock on the closet. I heard a familiar voice saying, "I know you're in there, I'm here Megan.". Omg! Could that be..? "A-Adrian?", I said stuttering. I started sniffling and got up to open the door. It was him. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?", said Adrian. I shook my head and started to cry even more. I ran into his arms and he hugged me tight. "Everything's going to be okay, as long as I'm here." He said. I don't know why but that made me smile. He's always here when I need him. And he actually talks to me and cares about me.

Adrian's POV:
Aw that poor girl. I can't believe someone would be like this to her. She's new and perfect. How can anyone point out flaws when all of them make who she is? I held her in my arms and told her it'll be okay. I feel bad I wasn't here earlier but, it's just my dad again. Nothing bad but right now I want Megan to feel better. The way she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I've never seen her like this. I couldn't believe that perky, exciting, and funny girl could lose her smile because of a couple people. The nicest person is the one that gets hurt the easiest. All she wants is to fit in but people are making it harder than it should be.

Megan's POV:
"What exactly made you sad?" Asked Adrian. "Some journal I found that I wrote in 5th grade." I said. "Aw well that's bull crap because you were 11 years old. Are you really letting that get to you? That was the past." He responded. "True but it's embarrassing and especially since Cori is trying to get me back." I said. "Get you back for what?" Adrian asked. "Oh, for canceling on him." I said. "Wait you canceled on him? I thought you liked him?" He responded. "Ugh don't even bring that up, it was just a fluke." I said. "Alright then. Just please, you're perfect. Don't let little things from the past get to you." He responded with a smile. Adrian wiped my eyes with his thumbs and started to walk away. Probably going to next period since the bell rings is a couple minutes. Ugh. I have to go home, I can't let people see me like this. I walked to the nurse and said my head hurt. She called my mother and she came to pick me up. I quickly grabbed all my stuff so no one would see me and left.

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