Kitchen Demon

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Summary: an anecdote about just how bad Cole's cooking can be

Cole grinned as he walked in circles around the kitchen, gathering ingredients. "This is gonna be great... I'll show them that I can cook!"

He turned on the stove with a pot of water above it, and got to chopping some chives and onions.

His first indicator that this endeavor was about to go horribly wrong was when he reached up to wipe his tears that had sprung from his eyes due to the fumes from the onions on the cutting board. His fingertips, covered in onion juice (that sounds wrong), accidentally touched his eye.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

Cole rushed to the sink, rinsing his hands and pressing a wet towel to his eye, which slowly ceased to sting.

But, like the finest of idiots who couldn't take a hint, he kept going.

He managed to cook the pasta without any major incidents, although he wasn't using a timer, so it was probably undercooked anyway. He poured out the water and set the pot aside, forgetting to cover it so the pasta would cool down less quickly.

Then he got to work on the sauce, tossing a can of tomatoes, the chopped onions, chives, and, oil, salt and pepper, and chili flakes into another pot, along with a few other things he'd found. After glancing over at the book, he raised his arms and shouted, "Voco te!"

And... nothing. Cole frowned and went to look at the page again, but as soon as he moved, the pot exploded with red smoke.

A tiny horned being with red skin, black eyes, fangs, claws, spines growing from its back, and a whip-like tail stood in front of him, hovering over the pot. The little demon, wearing nothing but a tattered rust-colored loincloth, looked as panicked as Cole did. The black ninja screamed and scrambled backwards, instinctively reaching for his weapons before realizing that he didn't have them on him.

"Impossible!" The creature yelled, although it's voice was a little more than squeaky. "How did you manage to summon me, mortal?!"

"I- I don't know!" Cole screamed back. "You were supposed to be marinara!"

The doors to the kitchen burst open as the rest of the team rushed in, alarmed by all the noise.

"What is that?" Nya demanded.

"Stand down or SUFFER MY WRATH!" The devil roared. It sounded like a certain tiny elf did before morning coffee.

The demon swept out an arm, knocking over the paper towel rack and sending it rolling to the floor.

Zane's icy blue eyes narrowed. "No one touches my kitchen."

You'd think a team of six highly trained ninja could beat a tiny loincloth-wearing fella, but the demon was... well, a demon in combat. It wasn't until Wu rushed in with a pot of Traveller's Tea and managed to portal the being back to hell did the fighting stop.

Cole felt Zane's metal hand fall on his shoulder as he surveyed the wrecked room.

"Cole. You are officially banned from the kitchen."

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