Moments (Kia)

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For Oliaxa 's oneshot contest

A series of Kia moments


Lia burst into the living room of the monastery, where the rest of the ninja were hanging out, minus one master of fire.


Everyone's heads snapped up from whatever they were doing.

"Wrote... what?" Zane asked.

Lia was starting to regret shouting it out loud. "Uh... these five little chapters shipping me and Kai together. I found them online."

Eliza covered her mouth to block a snicker, but Lia caught her. "It was you!"

The air ninja feigned a look of innocence. "What?"

"You wrote it, dammit! I should've figured!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do! Stop playing dumb! The username is Eliza Cameron!"

"My last name is Peyton." Eliza reminded her. "Not Cameron."

"Your middle name is Cameron!"

Eliza swore under her breath.

"It was you, then."

"Okay, maybe, but honestly, I'm not stupid."


"Everyone knows you have a crush on him."

"Eliza!" Lia hissed, her cheeks bright red.

"Wait, she does?" Lloyd asked.

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Lloydie."

"Don't call me Lloydie!" He whined.

Nya raised her eyebrows. "So, what are these... chapters?"

"Don't you dare," Lia threatened.

Eliza held out her hand, and the water ninja placed her phone into it. A quick search and a few clicks later, Eliza tossed it back to Nya.

"One Dance," Nya read aloud. "Wasn't requested but we need some Kia-"

"No! Nonononono!" Lia covered her ears.

Eliza smirked. "You don't gotta read it aloud."

"I wanna read this," Jay said, hovering over Nya's shoulder.

"I am going to die if I stay in here one more second," Lia muttered, walking out.


It was a few days after that incident. Luckily, Kai hadn't heard about it. Yet.

It was Friday, which meant the ninja were holding their traditional weekly movie night. Eliza and Lloyd were preparing the snacks, while Kai and Lia were picking out the movie.

"We could watch Frozen," Lia said.

"As funny as it would be to see Zane's reaction to that, no," Kai said. "How about Secret Life of Pets?"

"Nah... we watched that one two weeks ago," Lia said. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?"

Kai made a face. "Those movies are the worst adaptations in cinematic history."

"True, true, but if you remove the context, they're not that bad," Lia pointed out.

Kai flipped through a few more DVD cases. "Mulan, the Prince of Egypt, Les Mis, Aladdin animated version, Aladdin live-action version, Prince Caspian, Deadpool, IT, Matrix, Gladiator, Newsies, Titanic, Harry Potter, um, I'm not going to ask why we have Fifty Shades of Grey..."

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