Spider (Kia)

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Another Kai x Lia oneshot ^••^

I apologize in advance Oliaxa


Lia was sitting in the monastery living room, watching TV. It had been a quiet day. Nya and Jay were in the garage, along with Pixal and Zane. The four were working on something, but apparently it was 'top-secret'. Lloyd and Cole were probably playing video games in the lounge, Eliza was reading a book in her room, and Kai was doing Kai-knows-what. Wu was out at the tea shop.

Sighing to herself, Lia turned off the television and flopped down onto the couch. She'd been in this one spot all day, but there wasn't anything else to do...

Suddenly, a loud scream tore through the air. Lia immediately jumped up. Her heart was racing.

She expected to see some skeletons, maybe Serpentine or some escaped convicts from Kryptarium, but who should run into the room except for Kai.

"Cactus?" Lia asked. "What in Ninjago-"

"IT'S A MONSTER!!!" Kai screeched. He hopped onto the couch, standing on one of cushions, which Zane really hated because it left dirt from his shoes on the couch.

"It's what?" Lia glanced apprehensively toward the doorway. A small figure, barely visible from her spot, scuttled in.

Kai screamed again. "IT'S GONNA EAT ME!"

The figure came closer.

"Holy FSM, what is that..." Lia asked. She leaned closer to it in curiosity, but Kai grabbed her by the shoulders and held her back.


Then the figure was close enough to become clear. It had ten spindly legs, five on each side, a huge abdomen, and two sets of wicked-looking jaws that resembled the claws of a crab or scorpion. Two beady black eyes sat at the top of its head. Its entire orange-tinted body was covered in bristling hairs.

"OH MY GODS!" Lia screamed. "WHAT IS THAT THING!?"


He very courageously hid behind Lia.

Then, the thing did the most terrifying possible thing. It climbed one of the couch legs.

Kai screamed again, grabbing Lia and running as fast as he could to the counter.

"Kai! What the heck!"

"You're welcome, I just saved your life!"

"Wait- where is it?"

"I don't see it!"

The two huddled close on the countertop. If Zane didn't already kill them for standing on the couch, he definitely would for them sitting on the counter.

That is, if the little monster in their home didn't get them first.

"It's off the couch!" Kai screeched. "It's coming closer!"

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