Haircut (Lloya)

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During quarantine, Nya talks Lloyd into letting her give him a haircut

Gets a tad steamy towards the end but nothing too bad


"Lloyd, stop squirming!" Nya scolded her boyfriend. 

"Sorry, sorry!" Lloyd said. "I can't help being antsy."

Nya frowned, but she didn't say anything more.

Lloyd sighed and closed his eyes, wondering how he'd ended up in this situation. 

It was late spring, which meant the temperature was rising slowly but steadily. Lloyd's hair had grown out, and he couldn't go to get it cut, so he was constantly facing the problem of it falling into his face every minute of the day. And no way was the mighty green ninja going to put it up.

His longish blond hair was a minor inconvenience that he thought only he was bothered by, but Nya had noticed it too. When he'd first started growing it out, she'd quite enjoyed playing with it, but now it might be getting a bit too long.

The two were cuddled on the couch, watching some random TV show Lloyd had put on. Around the fifteenth time Nya caught her boyfriend brushing his hair out of his eyes, she grabbed his wrist.

"Lloyd, you need a haircut."

"I know," he said. "But the barber's closed."

"Who said anything about a barber? I'll cut it."


"C'mon, I cut my own hair anyway."

"...fine. But, I swear to my grandfather, if you cut me, I'm not kissing you for a week."

Nya hadn't cut him, but Lloyd was facing a much different problem.

Each time the water ninja's hands ran through his silky hair Lloyd felt goosebumps on his arms. Her breath tickled the back of his now-uncovered neck. He tried his best not to think about it, but it was hard not to. The green ninja wasn't naturally antsy. It was the girl who was giving him a haircut that was making him restless.

"And... done," Nya said proudly as she combed out the last lock.

Lloyd turned around to face himself in the mirror. He looked... like not an emo blond teen anymore.

Lloyd grinned. "Thanks Nya."

She smiled, putting down the scissors and brushing a few cut strands of hair off his shoulder. And for Lloyd, that last touch was the breaking point.

He spun back around, snaking one arm around her waist while the other hand landed on the back of her neck, pulling her flush against him and allowing him to crash his lips onto hers. Nya squeaked in surprise but quickly melted into the kiss, running her fingers through his newly cut blond hair. Lloyd deepened the kiss as he slowly backed her against the wall, pinning her there. Nya's other hand rested on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, they broke away, only to dive right back into another heated kiss.

"Hey guys, you doing oka-" the door swung open to reveal Cole, who immediately slammed the door back shut once he saw the two, Lloyd still pinning Nya against the wall. "Whoa, okay, yeah, I'm gonna leave you two alone now."

They heard the earth ninja's footsteps quickly retreating.

Nya leaned back and smirked at Lloyd's tomato-red face. "Next time, remember to lock the door, Greenie."

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