Laser Tag (Morrli)

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Originally going to be Lloya but I changed it.

Morrli= MorroxAli (alirxi )

And yeah in this Morro is human and the same age as the others cause... I don't wanna work out al the stuff if he's a ghost. What, you think I actually want to put effort into something? Hell no.

Summary: laser tag chaos with the ninja and some other people

Extra ships: Kia and Colria (Kaix -SUMMER_SET )(Colex Nya_ninjago_fangirl )


It was something of a tradition at the monastery. First day of summer, when school finally ended, Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Zane, Morro, Ali, Maria, El, Eliza, Lia, and Holly would head down to a laser tag place in the city.

Ali Rei Gold had won the past two years, and she wasn't about to give up her championship now.

The thirteen checked in and picked teams— Ali the captain of the blues, Morro the captain of the reds.

Blue team— Ali, Eliza, Nya, Jay, Lia, and Zane

Red team— Morro, Kai, Cole, Holly, Lloyd, El, and Maria

They had the biggest room to themselves. A dark network of what was essentially a huge playground sat in the middle, with plenty of nooks and crannies for hiding scattered around. Four enormous screens, one on each wall, monitored the players' points. The teams divided, with the blues starting on the right and the reds starting on the left. After suiting up with the light-up vests and laser guns, and after the beeping countdown, all hell broke loose.

A word that described it phenomenally was chaotic. The ninja vaulted easily over obstacles. No powers or spinjitzu were allowed, but no one ever said anything about extreme agility and stealthiness.

Ali shot Holly in the back before ducking around a support pole. She peeked out and saw Jay sniping the reds with his laser gun, until a well-placed shot by Lloyd took him out.

"Hey- F*CK YOU LIA!" Kai shouted, the red lights on his chest flickering.

Lia snickered and shot him once again for good measure. "I look forward to it, Cactus." She darted away.

Maria jumped down from a bridge she'd been perched on, landing right in front of Cole. The earth ninja didn't have time to react before she shot him square in the chest and made her getaway.

The blue lights on Eliza's vest flickered when El sniped her from atop a tower.

After a few more minutes of shooting her friends and running around in an attempt to avoid being hit, Ali shrieked when Morro jumped out at her, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Did you really think it would be that easy, princess?" Morro asked, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Ali raised her gun, but he reached out and lowered it, simultaneously pushing her backwards with him following. The loud noises of the others became just a low hum in Ali's ears.

Just shoot him! Her mind shouted, but her limbs wouldn't comply. Before she knew it, she was backed against the dark-walled corner.

"What are you doin-" Ali didn't even have time to finish before Morro shut her up with his lips on hers.

Even with all the laser tag equipment in the way, Ali could feel the heat between her and Morro growing as the kiss dragged on.

All too soon (in her mind), Morro pulled away, leaving her dazed. She was sure her face was aflame.

"I'm gunning for your crown, princess," Morro said, smirking evilly.

Ali only snapped out of her trance when her vest buzzed and the lights started flickering.

Morro held up his gun.

"Oh no you didn't-" Ali glared at him, but he was already walking away.

That bastard.

"And the winner is... the red team!" The announcer proclaimed once the game had ended.

Ali glanced at the monitor. Morro had come in first overall, and her in second.

Morro winked at her.

Oh, she was so getting him back for this.

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