Gingerbread House (Colria)

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Merry Christmas Nya_ninjago_fangirl ! Hope you like the oneshot! And yes, it is ColexMaria ;)

Summary: read the title


"Maria, could you do me a favor and set the gingerbread house up? I put out all the cookies and supplies on the counter already. Pixal and I have to do an emergency test run on the Bounty," Zane said.

"Sure, no problem," Maria said, getting up from the couch.

That's how she got herself into this mess in front of her. Several rectangles of dark golden-brown gingerbread cookies, several icings of different flavors, bowls of candy, and a bag of powdered sugar sat in front of her. Maria had set all the gingerbread onto a platter, since it would probably be impossible to transfer a built gingerbread house from one plate to another without breaking it.

She glared at the sheet of instructions Zane had left her. It looked unnecessarily complicated. Why couldn't things in life just be simple?

Maria groaned through her teeth and snipped off the corner of the piping bag stuffed with white sugary icing. Carefully, she piped the edible glue onto the cardboard base and stuck a slab of gingerbread upright on it.

Twenty seconds passed with her holding the cookie in place. She let go— and it immediately toppled over.

"Oh, come on," Maria scolded the fallen gingerbread, as if it was sentient. "You couldn't stay standing on your own? Lame. So, totally, lame."

The gingerbread did not respond.

She tried again, and after two more tries, finally got the brown cookie to stay upright.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she had three walls of the house standing and was just pressing the fourth into place, when-

"Hey Mari!"

Maria jumped as Cole burst into the kitchen, making her hand accidentally knock over all four walls of the gingerbread house.

"Holy FSM, Cole, don't scare me like that!" She yelled as Cole snickered.


It was clear that he was not at all sorry.

Maria threw a gumdrop at him. He caught it in his mouth.

"Need help with that?" He asked around the candy.

"Kind of," Maria admitted. "But try not to eat the stuff."

"I won't!"

He totally did.

A few minutes later, both of their hands were covered in sticky icing. Cole was currently holding the first roof cookie in place as Maria added more edible glue.

She flexed her fingers, which had begun to cramp. "I don't know about you, but I'm tempted to just take a hot glue gun to this thing."

"That would be gross," Cole noted.

"But much easier."

"We've only got one cookie left, Mari," he said. "Almost done."

"Yeah, and then the decorations!"

"Which is the fun part!"

The last cookie of the house (thankfully) stayed in place. Maria washed her hands, but when she turned to dry them, she caught Cole eating one of the gingerbread men Zane had also baked.


He froze, the headless gingerbread man in his hand. "Yeah?"

"I said not to eat the stuff!"

"You said to try not to eat the stuff," Cole corrected. "I tried! And I lost."

Maria rolled her eyes. "Fine. But if Zane asks where Bob the seventh went, you're telling him."

"You named them?"

"Yes," Maria said simply, pointing to each of the gingerbread people. "That's Bob the first, Bob the second, Bob the third, Bob the fourth, Bob the fifth, Bob the sixth, you're eating Bob the seventh, that's Bob the eighth..."

"What about the gingerbread women?" Cole asked.

"Oh. Um... that's Bertha the first, Bertha the second, Bertha the third-"

"Okay, I get it. You need to work on your naming skills."

Maria gave an mock-indignant gasp. "How dare you insult my naming skills?"

He snickered, mouth still full of cookie. "Bob and Bertha. Need I say more?"

"What were you gonna name them, huh? Rob and Tom?"

"No! And I'd give them all individual names!"

Maria stuck her tongue out. "Sometimes it's traditional to name the next generation after yours."

"So, what, Bob the first is five hundred years old?"

"He didn't mean that," Maria reassured the gingerbread man. "You don't look a day over twenty!"

"Uh, that's Bob the third."

"Is not!"

"If you say so," Cole shrugged. "Decorations time?"

"Decorations time," Maria agreed.

It took about another half hour, but finally, they'd used all the decorations Zane had left out. Cole had eaten a good amount of them.

"You're going to give yourself a stomachache," Maria scolded.

Cole scoffed. "I'm too strong for that."

"Sure. Sure ya are."

Cole stepped back to admire the house. "It looks good."

"Anything edible looks good to you," Maria pointed out.

"Not true! Okay... maybe true."

"That's what I thought."

Cole laughed and dropped a kiss to the top of Maria's head.

"You know... you're sweeter than the gingerbread house."

Maria was sure she wouldn't be able to get the blush off her cheeks for at least an hour.

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