Butterflies (Kia)

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Soulmate AU where a butterfly leads you to your soulmate on a specific or random day. There is a tattoo on your hand that exactly matches the butterfly's wings.


Lia was buzzing with excitement as she hurried down into the kitchen. Why? Well... she didn't really know. She could just feel something... something she should be excited about.

"Well, someone's happy this morning," her friend and roommate Eliza noted. The two shared the apartment and split the rent, at least until at least one of them had saved enough to move out and get a place of their own.

"Yeah," Lia said, grabbing herself some cereal.

"Any reason why?"

"Nope. But it's just like... something in the air."

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "The air?"

"Don't you get it?"

"Uh, no."

"Well, I just feel like something big is gonna happen today! I can't explain it, it's just-"

Eliza laughed lightly. "Don't try to explain it. Anyway, I'm gonna head to the library, you wanna come?"

"Not today, I've been wanting to go to the public gardens for a while now."

"Okay. Have fun!"


Lia walked through the gardens, which were the largest in Ninjago. She stopped to photograph a flower when a butterfly landed right on it. It's wings were a shade of golden yellow, then faded into a bright red at the bottom. Funny...

Lia held up her hand to the butterfly. The insect's wings exactly matched the mark on the back of her hand. Right down to the color and the shape.

The butterfly took to the air, then flew in a circle. It was like it wanted Lia to follow it.

So she did, weaving around the bushes and trees, until the butterfly came to a tall hedge maze.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Lia muttered.

The butterfly looked at her like tough luck, kiddo before flying right into the maze.

Lia followed it.

The insect seemed to know exactly where it was going. In no time, they had reached the center, where a tall fountain shot crystal-clear water into the air.

The space was empty except for one person- a boy with brown eyes and spiky hair. The butterfly that Lia had been following landed on his head.

"Um," Lia said. "There's a butterfly on your head."

The boy looked at her and arched an eyebrow. "And there's one on yours."

"What?" Lia looked up, momentarily forgetting that one cannot see the top of their own head. She didn't need to though, as it fluttered down in front of her face. This butterfly was an exact copy of the one she had been following.

"Well, now it's not," the boy amended.

The insect on his head also flew up, and together the two butterflies flew away.

"Well... that was weird," Lia said.

"Yeah. Were you following it?" The boy asked.

"I was. Were you?"



"Wait," the two said at the same time. "I'm your soulmate!"

Lia's cheeks turned red. "Um... at least, I think I am."

He laughed.

Out of all the boys in the world, at least my soulmate is pretty cute, Lia thought.

"I'm Kai," he said, holding out his hand. Lia shook it, and in the process noticed that he had the exact same mark on his hand that she did.

"L-Lia," she stuttered.

"Nice to meet you, L-Lia," he said, smirking.

"It's just Lia!"

"I figured. Just teasing."

The two spent the rest of the day chatting and wandering through the rest of the gardens, after it took them forever for them to get out of the maze since they didn't have their butterfly guides anymore.

Call her quick to conclusions, but Lia was pretty sure that she was falling in love with this funny, weird, slightly annoying, and cute spiky-haired boy.

They stayed until the gardens closed. As they walked out, the two noticed that they had coincidentally parked their cars right next to the other's. Kai's phone buzzed, and he looked down at it.

"Aw great, there's twenty texts from my sister asking where I am," he said. "She's gonna kill me."

Lia laughed. "I hope you don't get killed."

"Me neither," Kai said. He handed his phone over to Lia. "Can you give me your number?"

Lia nodded and entered it in, then gave it back to Kai. She said goodbye and turned to leave, but then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned back around, only to find Kai's lips on hers.

Oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods-

Quickly though, the shock melted away and she kissed him back.

It probably looked like something out of a romance movie, two teens kissing in a parking lot as the sun went down, but honestly, neither of them cared.

Kai pulled away. Lia was a blushing mess. He smirked. "So, wanna meet me for the movies on Friday?"

She couldn't get any words out, so she just nodded.


Lia burst through the door to her and Eliza's apartment.

"And she's alive," Eliza said sarcastically. "Did something happen?"

"Well, actually, a lot of things happened!"


Well now maybe Lia will kill me for the kissing scene

Peace ✌️

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